70-158, Microsoft Manager 2010, Configuring Essentials
70-158, Forefront Identity Manager 2010, Configuring exam is based on fifty main questions in the format of multiple choices, applicants have to get a minimum of seventy percent result which means getting a score of seven hundred and you will be given a time limit of hundred and ninety five minutes.
Prior knowledge you will be needing are regarding the Directory Services, PowerShell, Security policies and procedures, basic knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as an infrastructure component writing basic queries (SQL), two to three years of experience for the task of and password management, Analyzing root causes using tools and Pack of learning tools.
70-158, Forefront Identity Manager 2010, Configuring exam syllabus includes the following topics with the percentages on the subject of identity manager configuration.
Plan a FIM Implementation and Install FIM is the first topic of 70-158, Forefront Identity Manager 2010, Configuring in which applicants are given questions rated fewer than twenty one percent, the components are Plan and design FIM topology that covers the knowledge of single point of failure; match topology to performance requirements; capacity planning; design highly available implementations for FIM Service and Portal. Install the FIM Service and the FIM Portal consists of Microsoft SharePoint web configuration; service account permissions; prerequisites; certificates; groups. Deploy and manage client components includes client images; multi-language support installation; plan for configuration of Microsoft Outlook for group management such as Outlook plug-in for approvals and group management Group Policy objects (GPOs) to manage FIM client components; registry settings on client machines. Implement disaster recovery for FIM 2010 covers backup and key backup and recovery.
The 70-158, Forefront Identity Manager 2010, Configuring second section is called Plan and Configure Core Portal Functionality that covers nineteen percent in the exam where the applicants learn about Plan and configure user and group provisioning which includes data-driven provisioning, configure Management Policy Rules rule triples required for provisioning in the portal; expected rule entries; detected rule entries; workflow parameters. Plan and configure group management consists of configure dynamic groups in the portal; owner-based groups and approvals; distribution groups; security groups.
Plan and configure synchronization rules constitutes of inbound and outbound sync rules; create objects in met averse using declarative rules; advanced attribute flows; relationships. Plan and configure authorization and action workflows consist of approvals including multiple approvals and escalations; notifications; deploying and configuring custom workflow activities. Plan and configure security permissions and Management Policy Rules (MPRs) is the other important section for detailed studying.
Configure Advanced Portal-Based Scenarios covers seventeen percent in the 70-158, Forefront Identity Manager 2010, Configuring exam in which applicants learn about Resource Control Display Configuration (RCDC) for object and attribute display, Customize the user experience, Extend the portal schema, Plan and configure self-service password reset and registration, Write and interpret XPath queries.
Configure FIM Synchronization is the important topic that covers twenty two percent in the exam, applicants need to study about the objectives to Create and configure standard management agents (MAs), Management MA; Active Directory MA; file-based MAs; difference between call-based and file-based MAs and attribute flows; filters. Create and configure the FIM Service MA covers Synchronization.
70-158, Forefront Identity Manager 2010, Configuring exam needs to be studied well.
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