Guardianship: The Legalities of Being a Guardian

Author: Sara Paul

Becoming a guardian is a significant responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Before considering guardianship in New York, you need to understand some legal requirements and guidelines that must be followed to become a guardian.

In this article, we will discuss the legalities of being a guardian in New York and how a Brooklyn family lawyer can help you in the guardianship process.

What is Guardianship?

Guardianship is a legal relationship in which a person is appointed to make decisions for another person who cannot make decisions for themselves. A guardian is typically appointed for minors, individuals with disabilities, or individuals who are incapacitated due to illness or injury.

There are different types of guardianship in New York, including:

  • Guardianship of a minor: This type of guardianship is used for children who do not have a parent or legal guardian who can take care of them.
  • Guardianship of an incapacitated person: This type of guardianship is used for adults who are unable to make decisions for themselves due to a mental or physical disability.
  • Guardianship of a person with developmental disabilities: This type of guardianship is used for individuals with developmental disabilities who cannot make decisions for themselves.

In all types of guardianship, the guardian is responsible for making decisions for the individual they are appointed to care for.

How to Become a Guardian

In order to become a guardian in New York, you must file a petition with the court. The petition must include the following information:

  • The name, age, and address of the person who needs a guardian
  • The proposed guardian’s name, age, and address
  • The reason why the person needs a guardian
  • A statement explaining why the proposed individual is the best person to serve as guardian
  • Any other relevant information

Once the petition is filed, the court will schedule a hearing to determine whether a guardian is needed and whether the proposed guardian is the best person for the job.

The Role of a Brooklyn Family Lawyer in Guardianship Proceedings

Guardianship proceedings can be complicated, which is why it is important to seek assistance from a Brooklyn family lawyer who has experience in family law services. A family lawyer can help you throughout the guardianship process, from filing the petition to representing you in court.

A Brooklyn family lawyer can help you in the following ways:

  • Filing the petition: They can help you prepare and file the petition, ensuring that it contains all of the necessary information and meets the legal requirements.
  • Representing you in court: The family lawyer can represent you in court and present your case to the judge. They can argue why you are the best person to serve as guardian and answer any questions the judge may have.
  • Ensuring compliance with legal requirements: The family lawyer can help ensure that you comply with all of the legal requirements for guardianship, including providing regular reports to the court and following all court orders.
Guardianship vs. Adoption

Guardianship and adoption are two different legal processes, and it is important to understand the differences between them before deciding which route to take. While both processes involve caring for a child, there are some key differences between them.

Guardianship entails appointing a person who makes decisions for a child who does not have a parent or any legal guardian to care for them. The child’s biological parents retain their parental rights, and the guardian’s role is to care for the child and make decisions on their behalf.

Adoption, on the other hand, is a legal process in which a person or couple becomes the legal parent of a child. The biological parent’s rights are terminated, and the adoptive parents assume all parental responsibilities.

While adoption may seem like a more permanent solution, guardianship can be a better option in certain situations. For example, when a child’s parents are temporarily unable to care for them due to illness, incarceration, or other issues, guardianship can provide the child a stable and temporary home. In some cases, guardianship can also be a better option for older children who may not want to be adopted.

Discussing your options with a Brooklyn family lawyer specializing in family law services is important. They can help you understand the legal implications of each option so that you can make the best decision for your family.

Terminating Guardianship

Guardianship can be terminated in several ways. When a child turns 18, the guardianship will automatically terminate. In addition, the court may terminate the guardianship if it is determined that it is no longer necessary or in the child’s best interests.

If the guardian wishes to terminate the guardianship, they must file a petition with the court. The court will review the petition and schedule a hearing. At the hearing, the judge will determine whether terminating the guardianship is in the child’s best interests.

If you are considering terminating guardianship or facing a termination proceeding, it is important to consult with a Brooklyn Probate lawyer who has experience in family law services. They can help you understand the legal process and ensure that your rights are protected.


Becoming a guardian requires careful consideration and legal guidance. If you are considering becoming a guardian or facing a guardianship proceeding, it is imperative to consult with a Brooklyn family lawyer who specializes in family law services. They can help you understand the legal requirements and guide you through the process, ensuring that the best interests of the individual you care for are protected.

Whether you wish to become a guardian or are in the midst of a tough guardianship proceeding, Ledwidge & Associates can provide the legal guidance you need. Ledwidge & Associates is a trusted new york probate law firm in New York with extensive experience in handling guardianship matters. Their knowledgeable and compassionate attorneys can help you navigate the legal process smoothly. Contact them today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how they can assist you with your guardianship needs.
