How does STRIDE detect threats

Author: Riki William

In software development, security is a crucial aspect that should be given top priority. One way to ensure security is by identifying possible threats and vulnerabilities during the development process. This is where STRIDE comes in. STRIDE is an acronym that stands for Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege. It is a threat modeling framework that is widely used to identify potential threats to software applications. In this article, we will explore what STRIDE is and how it can be used to identify threats.

What is STRIDE?

Microsoft developed the threat modeling framework known as STRIDE in 1999. Throughout the development phase, it is used to find potential vulnerabilities to software programs. The framework focuses on six threat categories: Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege.


In order to obtain unauthorized access to a system, an attacker must impersonate another user or system. This may occur in a variety of ways, including email phishing, IP spoofing, and domain name spoofing.


Tampering is the unauthorized modification of data or software by an adversary. This may occur when an attacker obtains access to the system and alters data or software to their benefit.


An attacker who retracts their assault denies doing a specific conduct. This may occur if an attacker gets unauthorized access to the system and carries out a secretive activity.

Information Disclosure

Information Disclosure involves an attacker gaining access to confidential information that they should not have access to. This can happen when an attacker gains unauthorized access to the system and retrieves confidential information.

Service interruption

Denial of Service occurs when an attacker prevents the system from operating normally by flooding it with traffic or using another tactic. This may occur if an attacker obtains access to the system and purposefully causes it to crash or become inaccessible.

Privilege Elevation

Elevation of Privilege is the process by which an attacker obtains more access rights to the system than they ought to have. This could occur if an attacker acquires unapproved access to the system and is able to raise their level of privileges in order to exert more influence over it.

Threat detection with STRIDE

One must adhere to a set of procedures in order to identify threats with STRIDE, one must follow a set of steps. The system under analysis is first disassembled into its constituent parts. The system's assets are then listed. This comprises the people who interact with the system, the technology and software it depends on, and the data it processes and saves.

After the identification of the assets, each item is examined in light of each of the six STRIDE categories. This entails posing inquiries like:

How is it possible for a hacker to fake this asset?

How may a potential attacker alter this asset?

How might an attacker deny that they used this asset in an action?

How would an attacker get unauthorized access to private data about this asset?

How might an adversary prevent this asset from operating normally?

The responses to these questions aid in identifying possible system dangers. After the dangers have been recognized, the right steps may be taken to reduce or eliminate them.


Throughout the development process, STRIDE is a potent framework that may be used to spot possible dangers to software programs. Potential dangers may be found and dealt with by dissecting the system into its constituent parts and examining each part in reference to the six STRIDE categories. This contributes to the security and defense of the software program against possible threats.