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Author: Aastha Service

Supported Independent Living and Respite Care: Know the Difference

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides a range of funded support and services that assists eligible people with disabilities in actively pursuing their goals and enables them to live as independently as possible. The NDIS gives their participants choice and control over how to effectively use their NDIS funding and the way their support will be delivered, including the choice of providers. Supported Independent Living and Respite Care Support are two different types of home and living support that can be funded in an NDIS plan. While both supports are designed to provide the required assistance to NDIS

participants, they differ in terms of the specific participant needs they serve.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) assists participants with higher support needs to be independent at home. It especially helps young participants who are above 18 to move out of parental care or the homes of their loved ones and enables them to live on their own. Meanwhile, Short Term Accommodation, including respite provides assistance to participants to live out of their homes for a brief period. This will not only help the participants but also their caregivers as they can take a break from their carer role. Supported Independent Living (SIL)support can aid the participant with their daily activities such as bathing, getting dressed, meal preparation and household chores. On the other hand, Respite Support covers the cost of personal care, accommodation, food and assistance for capacity-building activities that the participant has agreed to. Unlike Supported Independent Living which is a long-term support, participants can only access up to 28 days of Short-Term Accommodation per year.

A registered NDIS service provider like Aastha Community Services can help the participants access Supported Independent Living and Short-Term Accommodation, including respite depending on their individual disability support needs. Contact us today to find out which support is more suita

ble for you and better aligns with your goals.

Respite Support (STA/ MTA) In Perth, WA

Short Term Accommodation, including respite

People with disabilities have the opportunity to try a variety of things in life with the help of the support provided by the NDIS. When they feel the need to stay away from their current home for a brief time to learn new skills or to take a break from their normal care routine, they can rely on NDIS Short-Term Accommodation (STA). This will also benefit the carers of the participants as they can take a break from their usual duties and enjoy the respite.

Benefits of Short-Term Accommodation include:

  • Opportunity to grow your skills through capacity-building activities.
  • Chance to meet new people and join communities.
  • Access to temporary support at home when usual carers are not available.
  • Assistance for community participation and thereby providing respite to carers.

Short Term Accommodation funding covers the cost of the personal care, diet, accommodation and support for capacity-building activities of the participant. In most cases, funding is at a group rate but participants can access individual support if it is found to be ‘reasonable and necessary at the planning meeting. The participant will have to provide evidence that they need individual support because of their disability.

Aastha Community Services (ACS) can help you access Short-Term Accommodation, including respite if it will help you pursue your goals and will help you become more active in your community. We will help you assess your needs and can introduce you to engaging and interesting capacity-building activities during your stay. The NDIS funds up to 28 days of STA support which you can access 14 days at a time. As a registered NDIS service provider in Queens Park, Perth,WA Aastha (ACS) can provide you with the support that will make your stay as comfortable and convenient as possible.