Holy pilgrimage of Amarnath

Author: Southern Tours

Amarnath temple is one of the most popular holy Hindu shrines. It is a cave temple located at an altitude of 12756 feet and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Historians and experts believe that the shrine is over 5000 years old. Located in Jammu and Kashmir, it is about 141 km from Srinagar, the state capital. Although it is a very popular pilgrimage of north India, it is a very difficult journey too. Each year lakhs of devotees from different parts of the country undertake this holy journey to seek blessings of Lord Shiva.

One can reach the cave temple via trekking, on horseback or by helicopter. There are special tour packages available as per your choice and budget for undertaking the journey. These tour packages also include boarding and lodging services. A large number of north India tour operators offer specialized Amarnath Yatra 2015 Packages.

Legends say that it is in the holy cave of Amarnath that Lord Shiva had elucidated the secret of life and eternity to his divine companion, goddess Parvati. Hence, Amarnath Yatra became a popular pilgrimage for the believers of Lord Shiva.

The cave has an ice lingam depicting Lord Shiva. The Shiv lingam is in the form of an ice stalagmite. Besides the main shiv-lingam there are two smaller lingams representing Lord Ganesha and Goddess Parvati. The amazing thing about the Shiv lingams is that they change size according to the season. It is believed that the lingams grow and shrink as the moon changes its cycle. On a full moon day the lingam reaches a height of 6 feet.

As mentioned above, Amarnath temple is a cave temple. The cave temple is situated in a narrow gorge at the end of the Lidder Valley.

The famous Amarnath Yatra is open to pilgrims for only a short period of time. Devotees specially visit the temple during the festival of Shravani Mela, which is usually held in the month of July. The entire journey is rather difficult. The journey of Amarnath takes about four to five days. There are two routes to reach there. It is 42 km from the town of Pahalgam and about 96 km from Srinagar.

A large number of devotees combine their Amarnath Yatra Package with other destinations. It gives them a great opportunity to explore the beautiful region of Kashmir, Sonmarg, and Srinagar etc. Amarnath Yatra is a perfect destination for you and your family. It combines a religious journey with fun and enjoyment.

The Amarnath Yatra is one of the most popular pilgrimages of north India and attracts a lot of devotees from different parts of the country. Traversing the difficulties of terrain and weather, the devotees complete the journey and seek blessings of Lord Shiva.

It is essential that when you plan a vacation or a pilgrimage you have peace of mind. There should not be any worries about boarding, air and rail bookings, reservations etc. All this should be done by an expert. Hiring a professional tour operator would certainly help you sort all the booking woes.

Source/ http://www.sooperarticles.com/travel-articles/holy-pilgrimages-articles/holy-pilgrimage-amarnath-1389149.html