Guide to Google Search Console

Author: John Hinds

Google Search Console is a free web-based tool offered by Google that provides website owners with insights and data about their website's performance in Google search results. Here are some of the key features:

Search performance reports:

Google Search Console provides detailed reports on your website's search performance, including data on search queries, impressions, clicks, and average click-through rates. This data can help you identify which keywords and pages are driving traffic to your site, and where there may be opportunities to improve.

Index coverage reports: Google Search Console provides information on which pages of your website have been indexed by Google, and whether there are any issues with crawling and indexing your site.

URL inspection tool: The URL inspection tool allows you to check the status of individual pages on your website in Google's index, and see if there are any issues that may be affecting their visibility in search results.

Sitemaps: GSC allows you to submit and monitor sitemaps, which can help Google crawl and index your site more effectively.

Mobile usability: GSC provides information on how your website performs on mobile devices, including any issues that may be affecting the user experience.

Security issues: Google Search Console alerts you to any security issues on your website, such as malware or hacked content, that may be affecting your visibility in search results.

Manual actions: If Google takes any manual actions against your website, such as a penalty for violating Google's webmaster guidelines, Search Console will provide information on the specific issue and how to resolve it.

Overall, Google Search Console provides a wide range of tools and reports that can help website owners optimize their site for search and improve their visibility in Google search results.

How Do I setup Google Search Console

Here are the general steps to set up your Search Console account:

Go to the Google Search Console website: Go to the Google Search Console website ( and sign in with your Google account. If you don't have a Google account, you'll need to create one.

Add your website: Click on the "Add Property" button and enter your website's URL in the box provided. Make sure you enter your website's full URL, including the "http://" or "https://" prefix.

Verify ownership: After adding your website, you'll need to verify that you own it. Google provides several methods for verifying ownership, including uploading an HTML file to your website, adding a meta tag to your site's header, or verifying ownership through your domain name provider.

Set up preferred domain: Once you've verified ownership of your website, you can set your preferred domain in Google Search Console. This will tell Google whether you want your site to be indexed with or without the "www" prefix.

Next, you can submit a sitemap. A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on your website and helps Google understand the structure of your site. You can create a sitemap using a tool like Yoast SEO or XML Sitemap Generator.

Explore Search Console features: Once your website is set up in Google Search Console, you can explore the various features and reports available to help you optimize your site for search. These include search performance reports, index coverage reports, and mobile usability reports, among others.

Setting up Google Search Console is a relatively simple process, but it can be helpful to consult online guides or tutorials for more detailed instructions and tips on how to make the most of the tool.