React.js Vs React Native – The Main Differences And Advantages

Author: Kanika Sharma


If you are looking for the best web development services in USA, you have come to the right place. Both React.js and React Native are widely used technologies for creating applications. Despite having similar names, they have completely different characteristics. We'll focus on the advantages they can offer you from a business standpoint in this blog post. Continue reading to learn about the main differences between both technologies, the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing Reactjs and React Native, and the characteristics that give each of them their true individuality.

What Is React.js?

IT professionals utilize the free, open-source JS framework Reactjs to design or render hierarchical UI components. Reactjs is a popular and widely used JS framework that is in demand from start-ups, medium-sized businesses, and large corporations. It is mostly used to create single-page apps (SPAs) and mobile apps. React js is particularly helpful when it comes to designing user interfaces for online and mobile applications because of its powerful UI features.

View layers of web and mobile apps are especially the focus of the Reactjs JavaScript library. Reusable components enable programmers to create more robust and well-structured apps. Reactjs has a number of benefits, including high speeds, effectiveness, practicability for component-oriented user interfaces, functionality, and the capacity to build complicated and large-scale projects.

What Is React Native?

An open-source UI software framework is React Native. With the aid of the JS programming language, it is utilized to create native apps. It is the perfect software for native app component compilation. The React DOM base abstraction translates to the base abstraction of Reactjs, and in React Native case it is the base abstraction of React Native. This shows that while having extremely similar syntactical and procedural traits, their individual parts are different.

With React Native, the same code may be used on a range of operating systems, including Android, iOS, Windows, etc. The React Native's look and feel, ability to repurpose similar coding on several platforms, live to reload, concentration on UI, cost-effectiveness, external plugins, and a sizable user base are some of its notable advantages.

So Then What Are The Advantages Of React.js?Lightning-Fast Speed

With the aid of the document object model, it provides the chance to create online applications very quickly (DOM). While a software developer writes code as though all the pages are rendered at each update, the reality being only the components that experienced changes in Reactjs are rendered. This makes working with Reactjs faster. Because of this, Reactjs is frequently chosen over alternative software for creating websites and mobile web applications.

Component-Oriented Architecture

This allows you to reuse components and save yourself a good chunk of money and time.

A huge UI can be broken down into its component elements, which programmers can then transform into a separate, self-contained component.

Boosted Search Engine Optimization

Reactjs has the ability to render on the server side as well, so it can improve your marketing efforts and increase the number of new visitors to your website. It will be simpler for Google crawlers to index and cache the content when they visit such improved websites with rendered imagery and text.

Rich Tool Kit

Users of Reactjs are fortunate enough to be a part of a sizable development community that has produced a vast ecosystem of tools, component libraries, IDEs, extensions for coders, web browsers, and other things.

So Then What Are the Advantages Of React Native For Companies?Platform-Particular

The code in React Native can recognize the platforms it runs on and adjust itself automatically. This is needless to say a huge plus point.

Easier Programming

It's interesting to note that frontend web developers who are familiar with JS, APIs, and UIs can also learn how to utilize React Native and create apps utilizing it. Learning React Native and using it thereafter becomes a seamless task. Additionally, programmers can use Reactjs skills for React Native development.

Quick Work

React Native programmers will also be able to reload mobile apps automatically with Hot Reloading. This option can greatly speed up your React Native project and save you a tonne of time.

Built-in Libraries

In order to improve user interface development, React Native comes with a number of libraries pre-installed by default. React Native will also make it easier to develop software quickly because you won't have to start from scratch, which will free up your time to focus more mindfully on your tasks.


Hopefully, you will now have a clearer understanding of the difference between Reactjs and its counterpart React Native. There are many useful features in both Reactjs and React Native.

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