Things You Might First Learn About Bay Trees and Olive Trees

Author: Kirk Lakepf

Trees are just one of God's greatest creation that he placed in nature. It provides several advantages to one other living things also to the ecosystem also. Trees help in preventing soil erosion. Also, they function as a very natural habitat to the other creatures particularly in the dense and thick woods were several species, be it endemic, endangered or undiscovered, live. Regardless of the facts that science presents about them, there are also other trivia about specific type of trees. Let's consider two topiary trees as an example. You'll find various trivia about bay trees and olive trees have different trivia that goes for as long as tens of thousands of years back.

The first component lists the various trivia concerning the olive. Here are five of them:

  1. The olive is associated to Athena, the Greek goddess of beauty and wisdom. This tree like Athena additionally possess the symbolism of wisdom.
  2. The Greek goddess of peace named Irena is presented using an olive branch clasp in her hand. The olive branches have turned into a vital part in the wars that happened centuries past.
  3. In the Bible, Noah prepared an ark for the 40 days and 40 nights of flooding. To make sure the land is very safe for them to embark, he sent a dove to search for a dry land.
  4. The olive is a sign of power and long life. Olive, in fact, can reside for more than 2000 years. Also, it is enduring and immune. Of course, this really does not just yield to the natural disasters.
  5. Those who possessed this trees consider it as a great supply of income because of the many products that they can extract from it.

The final part presents the different trivia concerning the bay outdoor topiary plants. Here are five of them:

  1. Its leaves may be called as laurel leaf or bay leaf. The bay leaf is an English term which has the etymology that came from the classic language of Latin. It came from the word bacca that means berry which points out to the black berries it have.
  2. The leaf of a bay tree is connected to glory. Some sculptures and paintings depicting Greek and Roman characters emphasize the glorious years of culture and custom of the civilisation. Some individuals depicted to these are wearing laurel or bay leaf around their heads are those that have been in the top bracket of their socioeconomic hierarchy. A wreath of the leaves is given to the winners of the Pythian Games in the Greek society.
  3. The leaves of the tree is a source to produce those well-loved spices and herbs which are essential elements in different recipes. Additionally it is used to prepare food to really have the type of flavour the tastebud can certainly recognize.
  4. In the Greek mythology, it was said that the primary bay or laurel tree that first appeared was because of the determination of the Greek god of poetry, Apollo to the nymph named Daphne. He took care of the tree since he cannot take her for his wife.
  5. The oil that may be expressed from your bay tree has medicinal values. It can be used to decrease arthritis, rheumatism, hypertension and for rashes brought on by poison ivy. Moreover, additionally, it has a chemical compound that fights off cancer-causing skin cells.

Next time you'll see these types of trees, you might have now additional knowledge about them.