Tips to Successfully Manage Stationery at Your Office

Author: Obasix Industries

To run a business smoothly, there will be required different types of items. You need an office space, computer, telephone, internet, electricity and the like. But one item that will be needed by your staff on a daily basis is stationery items. There are different types of stationeries available ranging from basic to sophisticated things. Choose items as per your office needs.

Efficient Management

No business can run smoothly and efficiently if it lacks in stationery supplies. These are essential items needed for communicating with internal teams, management, vendors, concerned government departments and clients alike. Without them all activities will rather almost come to a standstill. Hence, for effective functioning, you need to order and stock supplies in a timely manner.

Tracking Supplies

But what if your existing supplies get exhausted and your staffs do not have any to correspond with. Your business administration will come to a standstill. You cannot let this to happen. All inventory items need to be micromanaged. Hence, branded stationery cannot be considered to be an exception to this rule. You need to keep proper track of all essential, basic supplies.

Saving Money and Prestige

Branded stationeries are vital as they represent your company. You cannot just use any ordinary stationery items and provide them to others. Your company and brand image is of paramount importance and should not be compromise upon even ignorantly. Hence, the right type of stationery items should be ordered in advance before existing stocks deplete. It also saves precious money.

Useful Stationery Management Tips

  • Quality Over Quantity: Whenever you order stationery items from well-established
Stationery exporters in India, quality should be given more emphasis over quantity. You can always keep on ordering with the suppliers. But quality of the stationery items will show how serious you are in managing your brand reputation. Remember, quality of branded stationery does impact significantly brand perception.

  • Stock Check: Perform thorough inventory check. Train your staff to make requisitions for stationery supplies they need for their work. Ensure they do this before their current stock exists. Assign someone the responsibility of stock accountability and ordering. This person will be the ‘single point of contact’ for every staff to hand over their stationery requirement requisitions.
  • Identify Items to Purchase: Not all items will be required by your staff. Different post holders might require different items for their daily use. Evaluate each one’s specific requirements. Also find out how much stationery is required in every department. This will give you a clear idea of your requirements and the budget involved in it.
  • Share the Rules: You need to frame and implement a few general stationery guidelines. Share the same with the team. Make them aware of what stationery items are to be used by which department, how much and for what purpose. Such guidelines put in place will ensure costly stationery items are not misused or wasted. It also encourages conscious consumption habits and saves money.
  • Reuse Items: Post-pandemic, businesses are looking forwards to cut costs in every possible manner to survive the economic downturn. Find out ways and means to re-use stationeries in every possible manner. Repurposing and reusing items will curtail waste and reduce costs. Used letterheads having printing only on a single side can be cut down. They can be binded to serve as notepads.
  • Offer Plain Alternatives: Using personalized business stationery is sure to highlight your competency as a popular brand. At the same time, it also supports brand perception. But when compared to generic alternatives, it is likely to cost more. Provide unbranded items to your employees for daily internal use. It includes envelopes, paper and plain notepads.
  • Other Useful Suggestions: Old business cards can be used as document bookmarks. Folders or envelopes can be reused to file small items and compliment slips to store resignation cue cards. In case you have recently rebranded your business, then outdated stationery items can be used internally rather than disposing them off.

Take Prompt, Necessary Actions

The above tips when acted upon are sure to help you manage your stationery items effectively and efficiently. You just need to take small actions that will enhance your brand management. If there are required new stationery items, you need to order only from the reputed agencies that supplies a wide range of quality items at affordable rates.