Why 90% mostly gut feeling are used while Data is not taken seriously in India?

Author: Thedigitalfellow Consulting Firm
Data analysts are only found in top data-driven companies.Data analysts are only found in top data-driven companies. Today Businesses around the globe are using data-driven algorithms to make crucial decisions. In India, data analysts are mostly found in top data-driven companies like Snapdeal, Zomato, OLX, and Quikr. Data is not taken seriously in India. Most businessmen still depend on their gut feeling to conclude a successful venture. A company cannot survive without analyzing data and taking it into consideration when planning their strategy

If your company's data relies mostly on users' gut feelings instead of analysis, the business is probably not thriving and making new gains. If you had to turn over a steep learning curve because you didn't have the team in place necessary to analyze information from more advanced forms of data tracking, such as reading reports, presenting graphs, and leveraging various aspects of analytics software to determine situations best-suited for action, then it might be worth your while to learn about a simple system used by organizations actually performing well

What is data-driven is only a 15% approach.

It is no secret that data plays a critical role in decision-making. In India, however, data is often not given the importance it deserves. This is because most decisions are based on gut feeling rather than data-driven analysis.

There are several reasons why this is the case. First, there is a lack of understanding of what data can do. Second, there is a lack of trained personnel who can analyze data properly. Third, even when data is available, it is often not used effectively.

As a result, companies in India often make decisions based on instinct rather than hard evidence. This can lead to sub-optimal decision-making and wasted resources.

There are some companies, however, that are bucking the trend and using data more effectively. These companies are usually the ones that are more successful and have a competitive edge.

If India wants to compete on the global stage, it needs to start taking data more seriously. This means investing in training and infrastructure so that more people can understand and use data effectively. Only then will India be able to make informed decisions that lead to real progress.

What are the benefits of a data-driven approach?

There are many benefits of a data-driven approach. Data can help you make better decisions, understand your customers better, and improve your overall business.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of a data-driven approach:1. Data helps you make better decisions

One of the most important benefits of data is that it helps you make better decisions. With data, you can identify trends and patterns that you may not have noticed otherwise. This lets you make informed decisions that can improve your business.

2. Data helps you understand your customers better

Another benefit of data is that it can help you understand your customers better. By analyzing customer data, you can learn about their buying habits and preferences. This information can be used to improve your marketing and sales strategies.

3. Data improves your overall business

Data can also help improve your overall business. By understanding what works and what doesn’t, you can make changes to your business that will result in improved performance. Additionally, data can help you automate processes and improve efficiency.

A data-driven approach is important because of a few reasons. First, it helps organizations make better decisions by pulling together data from various sources to form a cohesive picture of the world around them.

Read More: https://thedigitalfellow.com/why-90-mostly-gut-feeling-are-used-while-data-driven-approach-is-not-taken-seriously-in-india/