NS0-510, Understand NCIE-Backup & Recovery Essentials

Author: Lena Wulf

NS0-510, NCIE-Backup & Recovery Implementation Engineer Exam will help you in creating the most of your knowledge and skill by learning the exam topics and gaining the experience that has been set by the vendor, the exam is formulated in such a way that the applicants get to choose the right sources for studying and know the topics that will help hem immensely n their career. There are test centers in which the test is delivered and thus the applicants will be validated on the basis of the solutions, if the applicants is able to pass the exam, then that individual will have the credentials for which the exam is taken, however if you fail, you can retake the exam by reviewing the exam retake policy.

NS0-510, NCIE-Backup & Recovery Implementation Engineer Exam main topics are to Set up and manage LUNs, Set up and manage clusters/High Availability/Epsilon, Manage and troubleshoot SAN performance, Configure and manage iSCSI components, Configure, administer and troubleshoot CIFS, Configure, administer and troubleshoot NFS, Set up and maintain Snapshot copies, Configure, administer and troubleshoot SnapMirror, Configure SnapVault, Configure Remote Support Agent (RSA), Configure and administer aggregates of differing sizes and disk types, Understand significance of Vserver-aware tape backup, Understand underlying LIF structure and benefits, Describe Infinite Volumes, Describe Virtual Storage Tier, Describe pNFS 4.1 pathing and support, Describe Single-node and Two-node configurations and Identify new transition tools.

NS0-510, NCIE-Backup & Recovery Implementation Engineer Exam is very important for the professionals that are held responsible for installing and maintaining the device, professionals need to learn about many important things during the learning process, these includes the general knowledge of: NetApp storage systems such as Switch, Power, Host, Applications, also learning about the task of Collect reduplication, backup and Host configuration - ALUA configuration, zoning configuration and iSCSI configuration. The topic of Storage System Configuration Tasks consists of the learning of Clustered Data ONTAP 8.1.1 Setup tasks, Storage Provisioning and VServer Setup Tasks, FC, FCoE, and iSCSI Connectivity Tasks, LUN Connectivity Tasks, Switch Configuration, Host configuration, Storage System Configuration Tasks and Virtualized Environments/Platforms: SAN Best Practices.

The topic of FCoE and Unified Connect Enabling Technologies covers the knowledge of FCoE and Unified Connect Hardware, FCoE and Unified Connect Configuration, SAN implementation testing, Creating an acceptance test plan, Test host to storage connectivity, Test LUN availability during failover scenarios and Test controller failover scenarios with complete training and the experience.

The courses that have been given by the vendor for the learning process are, SAN Fundamentals on Data ONTAPSAN Design, SAN Implementation – Switch Configuration, NetApp Unified Connect Technical Overview and Implementation, SAN Implementation and Architecting SAN on NetApp Storage.

The NS0-510, NCIE-Backup & Recovery Implementation Engineer Exam takers need to understand the importance of studying and getting trained, the topics given in the exam have to be studied for the sake of having the required skills and knowledge and applicants should have the proper tools that are classified as the learning materials which you can get from the internet.

Learn More about the Best IT Certification Preparation Guides for Ns0-510 Preparation Kits and Ncie Real Exam.