Patio Heaters Some Energy-saving Tips

Author: Aldo Moore

Winter is about to end and people are looking for ways to come out to end the slumber indoors. If you belong to this group, you don’t have to worry; just install a patio heater and all the troubles get resolved. Buying one is a simple thing. The Internet abounds in articles offering information on what to look for in a good-quality heater. The tough job may be to making it last long and minimizing your impact on the environment with the equipment. Given below are some guidelines to help you in this regard.

Saving energy with patio heaters

A homeowner keen to save energy and protect the environment would definitely bid farewell to propane heaters and go for their electric or natural gas variants. They use less fuel, are easy to maintain and are environment-friendly.

1. Electric patio heater

As you know, an electric heater goes well with the decor of your patio. It is available in the design and shape you want. Installing the appliance is an easy job; just connect it with a power outlet. And, according to the experts, it is 90% energy-efficient than the others of the kind. Even the maintenance cost is quite low. All you need to do is to clean the equipment at regular intervals. Besides, it works quietly allowing you to relax peacefully.

2. Natural gas heater

This is the best choice if you want to ensure that your heater never runs out of fuel. Available mostly in the shape of a mushroom, it sits on the floor and does its job well. The amount of carbon monoxide it emits is quite lower when compared to its propane counterparts. The unit features a remote control switch. This ensures that you are able to switch it on only when you need. Quite naturally, your energy bill gets reduced.

If a more eco-friendly option is what you want, you can go for infrared heaters. They are known to be the safest with no emissions.

Some general tips

Here are some additional tips to save energy and reduce your utility expenses.

1. Replace the weather strips

Know that torn weather stripping on your doors and windows are the things which lead to loss of energy and heat most of the time. This happens when warm air escapes through the holes. Replace them at least once in two years.

2. Regulate the temperature

Remember, you save 5% of energy when you lower the heat range even just 1º. Lower the heat as much as possible. You can wear sweaters and other warm clothing to help yourself in this regard. Try to switch off the unit when you leave your home for an extended period of time.

3. Replace the heater

If your patio heater is more than 5 years old, replace it with an energy-star rated one. It is now a legal requirement in the US. You should also make sure that the furnace and filters are also cleaned at regular intervals.

Maintain the patio heaters properly. You would save energy and reduce your utility bills.

Heater Store online shop offer patio heaters from world reputable manufacturers at bargain prices. Visit patio heaters site section and choose according to your budget and wishes.

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