Addressing Growing Student Populations with Modular School Buildings

Author: Jalil U Rahman

In the United Kingdom, the persistent growth of the population presents an ongoing challenge for schools as they grapple with fluctuating student numbers. Fortunately, modular buildings offer a swift and flexible solution to help schools effectively manage their classroom space.

Many educational institutions have turned to modular classrooms as a cost-effective response to the increasing demand for educational facilities. Gone are the days of the uninspiring grey boxes that may still haunt our memories from school. Modern modular school buildings now provide comfortable and inspiring learning spaces that feel far from temporary.

The Ongoing Surge in Student Numbers

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) reports that the UK's population has exceeded 67 million and is projected to surpass 70 million by 2029. The growing number of school-age children mirrors this population increase.

According to Gov.UK, the academic year 2022/2023 saw a student headcount of nearly 9.1 million, marking an increase of almost 74,000 from the previous year. Both the ONS and Gov.UK statistics underscore the pressures schools nationwide face.

While the rise in school-aged children necessitates additional school places, schools must also contend with yearly fluctuations in student numbers. These fluctuations can result from changing birth rates or migration, creating varying challenges for schools each academic year.

The Benefits of Modular Buildings for Education

Modular buildings are not just a boon to businesses but a practical solution for schools dealing with burgeoning student populations. Due to being constructed in a controlled factory environment, modular buildings offer several advantages that prove particularly beneficial for educational institutions grappling with growth:

  1. Speedy Installation: Modular buildings can be installed swiftly for two key reasons. First, their construction in a controlled factory environment reduces vulnerability to external factors like weather. Second, their modular construction, consisting of individual "modules," facilitates rapid assembly, even accommodating bespoke features tailored to a school's specific needs. A modular building can be ready for use within six weeks from the time of the order, making it feasible to have new classrooms ready for students upon their return from summer holidays.

  2. Minimal Disruption: Factory-based construction minimizes disruptions on school grounds compared to traditional construction, which can stretch over months and potentially disrupt lessons, posing risks to students and staff. Modular buildings require fewer groundworks, and the structures are transported to the site upon completion, reducing the presence of construction workers and heavy machinery on school premises.

  3. Temporary or Permanent Solutions: While modular buildings have often been viewed as temporary, they are equally suited for long-term use. Modular buildings are built with high-quality materials to withstand the rigours of school life. Many come with structural and design warranties, offering peace of mind to educational facilities.

  4. Versatile Learning Spaces: Modular buildings are highly customizable, accommodating the unique needs of classrooms. They can have all the necessary facilities, ensuring ample power points and high-tech audio-visual presentation equipment. This flexibility allows a wide range of subjects to be taught, promoting sustainability and cost-efficiency by adapting to changing educational needs.

  5. Sustainability: Modular buildings are constructed using sustainable and recyclable materials, and their manufacturing process generates less waste than traditional construction methods. They are also designed to be energy-efficient, aligning perfectly to promote environmental awareness and sustainability in schools.

  6. Cost-Efficiency: Modular buildings offer a cost-effective solution to the demand for extra classroom space. They can be completed for approximately 50% less than traditional construction, thanks to reduced on-site labour costs, controlled material costs, and enhanced energy efficiency, resulting in long-term savings.

Expanding Classroom Space with Modular School Buildings

As our exploration reveals, modular buildings are an excellent choice for schools facing an influx of students. Opting for modular classrooms enables schools to respond promptly to the need for additional space, even in the face of tight budgets. These classrooms cater to the rising student population and provide inspiring learning environments essential for students' development.

Choose Paragon Space for Modular Classrooms

With over 30 years of experience in modular buildings, Paragon Space is well-equipped to meet your educational institution's needs. Our expert team understands how modular buildings can seamlessly integrate into your school environment.

We work closely with you to maximize the potential of your modular classrooms, offering advice on fixtures and fittings. Our team is dedicated to providing guidance and support throughout the development process. Count on us to help your school meet the growing demand for educational spaces.

Contact the friendly team at Paragon Space today, and let's get your modular classroom project underway.