What are metatarsal pads used for?
A common condition that a metatarsal pad can be used for is what is badly termed as metatarsalgia. Metatarsalgia is believed to be a condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot. Metatarsal pads can help relieve pressure on the affected area of the forefoot, provide cushioning, and redistribute weight more evenly, thereby reducing the pain. They can also be used for a Morton’s neuroma which is a condition involving the thickening and pinching of the nerve tissue between the metatarsal heads, most commonly affecting the area between the third and fourth toes. Metatarsal pads can help separate the metatarsal heads and help reduce pressure on the affected nerve, provide padding, and improve foot mechanics, thereby alleviating symptoms of the neuroma. Metatarsal stress fractures are small cracks in the metatarsal bones of the forefoot, often caused by repetitive stress or overuse. Metatarsal pads can certainly help offload the pressure on the injured area of the stress fracture, provide some cushioning, and promote healing by reducing the load on the metatarsal bones. Some people tend to have a higher arch in the middle of the foot, which can lead to excessive pressure or load on the metatarsal heads. Metatarsal pads provide some support to that arch and can help distribute the weight more evenly across the foot, alleviate pressure on the metatarsals heads and provide additional cushioning. Metatarsal pads can be used to address those who have general forefoot pain, including conditions such as sesamoiditis (which is an inflammation of the small sesamoid bones), bursitis, or capsulitis. The pads provide cushioning and support to reduce pressure on the painful area to help to relieve the pain and improve comfort.
There are many different ways in which metatarsal pads or domes can be used and the materials that they can be made from. Some clinicians will use the adhesive podiatry felt which can be premade to the right shape or they will cut them out of the larger sheet of adhesive felt. They will then stick the pad directly on the foot and tape it in place. This is a very good way to use them in the short term but it is not practical to stick something on the foot for the long term. There are premade metatarsal pads made from different rubber like materials. They can then be glued onto the insole, foot orthotic or places into the shoe. The placing of the metatarsal pad is crucial and that is why the use of adhesive felt on the foot can be used to help determine the right position. The pad should be generally placed just behind the weight bearing area of the metatarsal pads.