The One To One Support to Parents Is Offered Through Many Home Visiting Programs

Author: Jennifer Armins

Parenting is a skill learned for everyone and we offer programs tailored to each family at every stage. "Parent" means anyone who assumes the role of a father in the life of a child. Classes are available throughout the year in many places and online also.

Prepare your child / a of 2-6 years of age to have success in school! To develop your child academic and social skills, using strategically time together. Learn how to help your child / yy prepared in reading and writing skills; as well as keep working even when this frustrated / a. Learn how to train your son / yy express their feelings, to calm down and get along with others; to share, wait and take turns. Be a parent who is ready and grew up a child / a go! Use the curriculum of classes for parents of "Wonder Years".

The class begins with a questionnaire to find beliefs and strengths that have parents. Working with the participants, the instructor then chooses the Parent Coaching lessons that meet the needs of the group. Topics include expectations that are discovered based on the child's age / a, the construction of a blended and positive communication, a comprehensive discipline, rewards and punishments, alternatives to spanking / slapping decide when parents should be in control and when support increased independence for your child / ay more.

Sometimes Parenting Skills Classes are offered only for parents; sometimes included the group, where parents learn the same ideas through guided activities. The aim is to inform and guide the family to the most appropriate resource depending on your needs, enhancing the resources that each has. Emotional support is also provided to those families who demand because of their situation.