200-550, Zend Certified PHP Essentials For Professionals
200-550, Zend Certified PHP Engineer exam has been created by the candidates that need to have profound knowledge on different PHP terminologies and can earn the credentials by passing this exam and become the professional that can support and maintain different learning tools. The exam is provided to the experts by keeping in view the learning important of the exam descriptive that have been given to them; this includes the skills and knowledge of every other concepts and components which has been finalized by the experts for scheduling the syllabus.
200-550, Zend Certified PHP Engineer exam is based on the following topics for learning and getting the title which has been given to the applicants with respect to the topics which the vendor has scheduled.
The first section is PHP Basics include the knowledge of the objectives that are, Syntax, Operators, Variables, Control Structures, Language Constructs and Functions, Namespaces, Extensions, Config and Performance/byte code caching.
The 200-550, Zend Certified PHP Engineer second section is called Functions in which the candidates learn regarding Arguments, Variables, References, Returns, Variable Scope and Anonymous Functions, closures. Accelerator consists of the objectives of the questions to identify generated documents, Class Hierarchy and Structure, understanding of inheritance and requirements within the context of inheritance and reuse.
The topic of Plan and implement highly available server roles, Planning for highly available service, implementing highly available applications, services, and scripts, Plan and implement a business continuity and disaster recovery solution, Planning a backup and recovery strategy, Understanding planning considerations and implementing backup.
Data Format & Types is another topic, in which the candidates for 200-550, Zend Certified PHP Engineer learn about the topic of, XML Basics, Simple XML and XML Extension, Web services Basics, SOAP, JSON, Date Time and DOM Document. Web Features includes the knowledge of Object Oriented Programming, Security, Sessions, Forms, GET and POST data, Cookies, HTTP Headers, HTTP Authentication and HTTP Status Codes. The topic of I/O consists of Files, Reading, Writing, File System Functions, Streams, Contexts, Instantiation, Modifiers/Inheritance, Interfaces, Exceptions, and Auto load, Reflection, Type Hinting, Class Constants, Late Static Binding, Magic Methods, Instance Methods & Properties, SPL, Traits and Configuration. In the topic of Session Security, the applicants learn about Cross-Site Scripting, Cross-Site Request Forgeries and SQL Injection.
Remote Code Injection covers the information of Email Injection, Filter Input, Escape Output, Encryption, Hashing algorithms, File uploads, PHP Configuration and Password hashing API, Strings & Patterns and Databases & SQL.
Arrays consist of Quoting, Matching, Extracting, Searching, Replacing, Formatting, PCRE, NOWDOC and Encodings. SQL is another section in which the applicants learn about Joins, Prepared Statements, Transactions, PDO, Associative Arrays, Array Iteration, Array Functions, SPL, Objects as arrays and Casting.
This 200-550, Zend Certified PHP Engineer exam is special in a way that it provides the applicants with effective learning and training of the necessary tools by means of processed workings. The exam helps them candidates in becoming better professionals and so learning is very significant. Using of the courses or the self-study files like PDF ones are a very good reliable option, the applicants to become the successful pass outs should have the learning and helping tools present with them for their maximum support.
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