Happy New Career – Finding Courier Jobs in the New Year

Author: Lisa Jeeves

After the celebrations of Christmas and New Year, very few people want to think about the return to work – including those in the transport industry! But reality hits and it's often a pretty slow time of the year for those doing courier jobs. For this reason, you'll need to work smarter rather than harder when it comes to finding and keeping new clients. Here are some top tips for doing just that.

Don't believe the myth of a lazy start

Whether you're an independent contractor, an employee, or a freelancer, the concerns will usually be the same: the worry of a 'lazy start' to the new year following a frenzied Christmas period for courier jobs. But this is a myth; nowadays, most businesses keep a tight leash on cash flow and job schedules, which means the path to finding more work at this time of year hangs upon you having a similar attitude. Hunt for opportunities early and vigorously and don’t be swayed by naysayers.

Be aware of new players entering the field

Whether you celebrate wildly or let the moment pass with little fanfare, the landmark of the New Year does affect the business climate and the search for courier jobs in one respect at least. Many new players tend to enter the industry at the start of a new year, so it is wise to stay abreast of any new competition in your field in terms of small delivery businesses. Knowing about any new competition in advance can help you adjust to compete accordingly.

Understand your market's needs.

Delivery work is a perennial service and few industries can claim such longevity and integral ties to human society. Yet it can also be quite seasonal, which means some courier jobs peak at certain times, while at other times business may be very slow. It is thus vital to recognise and understand the demands of your particular market. This means knowing which businesses will need more work at this stage of the year; New Year's sales, post-Christmas storage, gift returns – these aspects all shape the market in a very particular way, and you should be aware of the ebb and flow to expect.

Be prepared well in advance, and keep preparing

Waking up to the dawn of a new year is more than just a matter of reflecting on personal resolutions. When you work in the delivery and transport industry, pre-emptive action, planning, and forward thinking are needed to keep your business one step ahead of the competition. You should ensure you have a plan to attack the marketplace for new work, which continues in a structured manner (and with as much zeal and enthusiasm) throughout the entire year.

Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world's largest neutral trading hub for same day courier jobs in the express freight exchange industry. Over 3,000 transport exchange businesses are networked through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.