The Unseen Threat of Bed Bugs and Why DIY Solutions Fall Short

Author: Gotcha! Bed Bug Inspectors

There is no denying that a bed bug infestation can quickly turn into a nightmare. These little critters are the best at hiding in small spaces, which makes them impossible to see. Moreover, they tend to stay dormant during the day and come out to hunt at night. While those bits might not mean much to you now, if you don't address this issue right away, it could soon get much worse for you and your family.

Unlike a mosquito bite that starts to itch immediately, a bed bug bite will take some time before it starts causing discomfort. Some people tend to get a lot of reactions to these bites, including swelling and redness, while others don't have any reaction at all. Nevertheless, having these pests away from your home and family is critical.

Why Not Try The DIY Route?

When you walk through the aisles of a hardware store or are looking at Amazon, you may see dozens of DIY pest solutions, from poison baits to sprays, essential oils, and sticky traps that all promise to rid your house of rodents, spiders, and bed bugs. Given your many options, it's normal to wonder whether hiring a professional expert is worth the expense.

In case of a small infestation, you might be able to handle the situation yourself. However, if bed bugs manage to spread across your entire property, they can be devilishly tricky to get rid of without the proper knowledge and equipment. This is why hiring a professional to help you with bed bug removal is always best.

Why Work With A Pest Control Expert?

Electricians, plumbers, lawyers, mechanics, teachers, etc., all are known for their specialization in a particular job. Similarly, a bed bug removal service is best executed by experts. Just like we don't want you to take care of your own plumbing, we suggest you don't do your pest control either.

Working with a professional service provider could be tricky or expensive; remember that they are trained to perform a much better job than you. You don't know what chemicals to use for bed bugs. Neither will you know how to and in what amounts to use those chemicals. You will not have to worry about anything when working with a professional!

What To Expect From A Professional Exterminator?

When you work with a professional, they will begin by conducting a deep bed bug inspection on your property. This will help them determine the overall extent of your infestation. Once they understand what they are dealing with, a professional will devise an ideal action plan!

They will use multiple techniques to eliminate bed bugs from your property, including treating affected rooms with pesticides or heat, steam, vacuum cleaning bedding and furniture, sealing crevices, and any other place where bed bugs might hide.

An experienced exterminator will also give you a few pro tips on preventing future infestations, such as keeping clutter to a minimum and regularly washing your bedding on high heat.

So, if you, or someone you know, has a bed bug infestation at home, it's time to consider hiring the help of professionals right away!