Why do you need a good company secretary

Author: T. K.

Having a good company secretary is essential for any business, especially in jurisdictions where the role is a legal requirement. The company secretary holds a pivotal position, acting as the bridge between the company and its board of directors, shareholders, government authorities, and regulatory agencies. Their role encompasses a wide range of responsibilities that are crucial for the smooth and compliant operation of the business. Let's delve into the reasons why a good company secretary is indispensable:

1. Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

  • Ensuring Legal Compliance: Company secretaries are responsible for ensuring that the company complies with relevant laws and regulations. They stay updated on legal changes and advise the company on necessary actions to remain compliant.

  • Filing of Legal Documents: They handle the filing of essential documents such as annual returns, financial statements, and other statutory forms with the relevant authorities, ensuring timely submissions to avoid penalties.

2. Corporate Governance

  • Enhancing Corporate Governance: A good company secretary plays a critical role in strengthening corporate governance practices. They ensure that the company adheres to both internal policies and external legal requirements.

  • Board Meetings and AGMs: They organize and facilitate board meetings and Annual General Meetings (AGMs), ensuring that all proceedings are conducted according to legal requirements and best practices.

3. Record Keeping and Administration

  • Maintaining Statutory Registers: Company secretaries are responsible for maintaining essential records such as the register of shareholders, directors, and secretaries.

  • Document Management: They manage important corporate documents, including minutes of board meetings, shareholder resolutions, and corporate contracts.

4. Communication and Liaison

  • Liaison Between Stakeholders: The company secretary acts as a liaison between the board, shareholders, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders, ensuring effective communication and information flow.

  • Handling Shareholder Queries: They address shareholder queries and concerns, particularly regarding corporate governance and compliance issues.

5. Strategic Advising

  • Advising the Board: Company secretaries often provide strategic advice to the board, particularly on matters of governance, compliance, and risk.

  • Guidance on Best Practices: They guide the directors on their duties, responsibilities, and powers, and ensure that the board’s decisions are implemented effectively.

6. Risk Management

  • Identifying and Mitigating Risks: By staying abreast of legal and regulatory changes, company secretaries help identify potential risks and advise on mitigation strategies.

  • Crisis Management: In times of crisis, they play a key role in managing the situation, particularly from a legal and governance perspective.

7. Investor Relations and Public Perception

  • Managing Investor Relations: A company secretary often handles or oversees communications with investors, playing a key role in maintaining investor confidence.

  • Enhancing Public Image: By ensuring compliance and good governance, they contribute to a positive public image and reputation of the company.

8. Supporting Business Growth

  • Facilitating Expansion and Restructuring: Company secretaries assist in business expansions, mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring, ensuring that all legal aspects are properly managed.

  • Navigating International Compliance: For companies operating internationally, they help navigate the complexities of compliance in different jurisdictions.

9. Professional Expertise

  • Expert Knowledge: Company secretaries bring specialized legal and compliance knowledge that is crucial for the smooth operation of a business.

  • Continuous Professional Development: They are often required to engage in continuous professional development, ensuring that their knowledge remains current and relevant.

10. Ethical Integrity

  • Upholding Ethical Standards: Company secretaries play a role in upholding the ethical standards of the company, ensuring that business practices are conducted ethically and transparently.


In summary, a good company secretary services is a vital asset to any company. Their role goes beyond mere administrative tasks, encompassing legal compliance, corporate governance, strategic advising, risk management, and stakeholder communication. By ensuring that the company operates within the legal framework and adheres to best practices in governance, a competent company secretary contributes significantly to the overall health, reputation, and success of the business.