Cost-Effective Alternatives to Purchasing Manufacturer-Direct Auto Parts

Author: Amitava Sarkar

These days, it seems like your car just won’t give you a break. Despite initially being a very dependable, driver-friendly vehicle, the car completely changed its tune after hitting then 10-year mark. Seldom does a month go by in which you don’t have to shell out big bucks to pay for exorbitantly costly repairs. As much as you love your aging vehicle, you can’t help but feel that the car has become more trouble than it’s worth.

When taking the plethora of repairs the vehicle has received into consideration, nothing is more expensive than having parts replaced. Since your dealership’s service center insists on ordering new components directly from the manufacturer, every replacement job runs you at least several hundred dollars. To make matters worse, it often takes weeks for the parts to ship – and you’re stuck driving an unsafe vehicle in the interim. Before giving up on your temperamental old clunker, you should look into the many cost-effective alternatives to buying parts manufacturer-direct. You’ll soon find that purchasing replacement components for your vehicle doesn’t have to leave gaping holes in your bank account.

Auto Salvage Yards

Although many people view salvage yards as graveyards for automobiles, this perception is very far from the truth. While it’s true that most of the vehicles found at these establishments no longer run, they’re still packed to the brim with useable components. Best of all, the vast majority of salvaged components cost a mere fraction of their manufacturer-direct counterparts.

Before visiting a salvage yard, be aware that there are two types: full-service and self-service. Whereas full-service yards feature attendants who retrieve the parts you need, self-service yards require customers to roam the grounds, locate the parts they wish to purchase and remove them from their respective vehicles.

Online Retailers

In the digital age, you’d be hard-pressed to find something that can’t be purchased online. With tens of thousands of online auto parts retailers accessible from any computer, smart phone or mobile device, it’s never been easier to find the components your car needs for a price you’re willing to pay. Like salvage yards, many of these retailers offer customers an abundance of pre-owned parts for rock-bottom prices. Of course, a sizable assortment of internet-based parts stores also carry wide selections of brand new components – at prices much cheaper than the ones found at the typical service center. Furthermore, the shipping times these establishments offer are much shorter than those associated with dealerships, service centers and other brick-and-mortar repair shops.

Internet Auction Sites

In addition to the extensive array of online auto parts retailers, the internet is home to a number of digital auction sites that allow sellers to auction off vehicle components. Popular auction sites like eBay and uBid regularly feature auctions for new and used auto parts – as well as auctions for actual vehicles. However, before bidding on a part, remember to have a look at the seller’s customer approval ratings. A good deal means nothing if you ultimately wind up with shoddy merchandise.

With the exception of homes, automobiles typically represent the largest investments most adults make. As any longtime car owner can confirm, ornery vehicles have the potential to quickly drain their owners’ finances. However, by familiarizing yourself with alternatives to manufacturer-direct parts, you can save a substantial sum on your next trip to the service center.

About the Author: Wendy Stevens is a Phoenix-based elementary school teacher who’s struggled with a temperamental vehicle for most of her adult life. Fed up with the high price of manufacturer-direct components, she recently started purchasing heavily-discounted replacement parts from her local branch of U Pull & Pay. Thrilled to be saving so much money, Wendy advises all cost-conscious car owners to visit