Effective Strategies for Weight Loss

Author: Maria Jonathan

Making small, permanent changes to one's current lifestyle is necessary for effective, sustained long-term weight loss, which should be viewed as a lifetime commitment. Changes in lifestyle require patience, learning new skills, identifying current behaviors that have contributed to weight gain, and substituting healthier habits. Support from family and friends can be helpful because behavior changes do not happen overnight. In general, rapid weight loss is more likely to result in weight gain than slow, steady weight loss.

Dieting for weight loss means eating fewer calories and burning more calories. Our energy balance between daily food consumption and physical activity determines if we gain or lose weight.

Strategies for weight loss may include eating less high-calorie food, choosing lower-calorie options, and decreasing portion sizes.

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Strategies for safe and effective weight loss

Eat regular meals.

Don't skip meals. You get the energy you need to get through the workday by eating regularly. You become prone to snacking and lose track of portion sizes when you eat irregularly.

Minimize snacks

Your diet will contain more calories if you snack on deep-fried, oily, or sweet foods (such as cakes, kuehs, or pastries). When you feel hungry, go for lower-calorie alternatives that are more filling and nutrient-dense, such as fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt, and/or tuna, sardine, and low-fat cheese sandwiches made from wholewheat bread (don't forget to include veggies like cucumber and tomato slices!).

Fill up on fiber.

Fiber absorbs water and swells in the stomach, making you feel full faster and for longer. Eat a variety of minimally processed plant-based foods such as whole grains (e.g., brown rice and wholemeal bread, or multi-grain bread), vegetables, fruit, beans, and lentils to add fiber to your diet and promote weight loss.

Generally, weight regain is more likely if there is rapid weight loss compared to slow and steady weight loss.

Limiting high-calorie foods, choosing lower-calorie alternatives, and cutting down on your food portion sizes are some ways to lose weight.

Reduce fat

Since fats are a concentrated source of calories, reducing your intake of fat is an efficient way to lower your energy intake and lose weight.

Remove visible fats from food before cooking if you cook at home.

To keep your dishes lower in fat and calories, choose low-fat cooking techniques (such as steaming, grilling, baking, roasting, boiling, or pan-frying with less oil).

Eat less fried and coconut milk-based food. Before eating, always remove any visible oil from soups and other dishes.

Reduce sugar

Limit candies, desserts, cakes, and sweet pastries if you're trying to lose weight because they often have a lot of added sugars. Watch what you drink as well; stick to plain water instead of juices and drinks with added sugar. You run the risk of becoming obese and developing tooth decay if you consume too many sweetened beverages and juices.

Eat a little less and avoid emotional eating.

Even healthy foods consumed in large quantities can lead to weight gain. Therefore, it's crucial to consume all foods in moderation. In terms of portion control, we also need to alter how we think about and consume food. This lifestyle change also includes learning new skills like how to prevent emotional eating and calculate our daily caloric needs.

It's crucial to learn coping mechanisms for stress and emotional eating because they will help you deal with the pressures of various life stages, such as marriage, family and relationship problems, work, and providing care for family members.

Exercise regularly

The recommended amount of time at a moderate intensity for general health improvement is 150 minutes per week, or 30 minutes, five times per week. However, the general advice is to increase your energy output to 250–300 minutes per week if you want to lose weight. If you've never worked out before, you might want to divide them into blocks of 10–15 minutes and gradually increase the time. Set attainable objectives so that you can succeed rather than giving up.

Get enough sleep—6 to 8 hours a night.

Other factors, like stress and sleep deprivation, also play a significant role in weight gain. Without enough restful nights, you're more likely to snack between meals for an energy boost and binge eat due to stress. By getting seven to eight hours of quality sleep, you could help control appetite hormones, which influence hunger regulation and may contribute to weight loss by giving yourself more energy to exercise and lessen binge eating from stress.

Stay Hydrated

Never forget to stay hydrated on a daily basis, especially if you are exercising. You need to replace lost fluids to prevent dehydration. You can tell how hydrated you are by looking at your urine, which should typically be clear or pale yellow. Your fluid intake needs to be increased if your urine is a dark yellow color.

Also Read: 15 Natural Remedies to Lose Weight in 30 Days