Is Your BMW Leaving Oil Puddles In Dallas? Let’s Find Out Why

Author: European Service Center

BMW is one of the most popular luxury cars that is known for its powerful performance and smooth running. However, like other luxury cars, BMW also faces its fair share of issues and one such common problem is related to the leaking of engine oil which appears in the form of puddles where you have parked your car.

There are several factors that can lead to leakage of engine oil from your car. Here in this article, we will discuss the factors that cause engine oil leaks in your BMW.

Oil Filter Failure

There are many least talked about parts in your high-end car that play a significant role in the smooth running of your car. One such part is the oil filter which is responsible for preventing the entry of dirt, debris, and other contaminants into the engine along with the engine oil.

However, the nature of the functioning of the oil filter is such that it gets clogged with dirt and debris as the car picks up miles. Now, as per the owner’s manual of your BMW, the oil filter needs to be replaced when you are changing the engine oil of your car during a routine maintenance schedule.

Nevertheless, BMW owners are always negligent when it comes to replacing the engine oil filter and this aggravates the problem because the seal of the oil filter starts to deteriorate and this is when oil starts to leak & forms a puddle under the car where you have parked it.

Moreover, engine oil leaks are very difficult to detect and you will need the assistance of a certified mechanic to detect the spot of leaks and take immediate remedial measures so that the problem doesn’t aggravate.

Malfunctioning Gasket

The valve gasket is a crucial component in your car that plays a critical role in the efficient functioning of the engine. The gaskets seal the engine so that the engine oil doesn’t leak out and there is no contact between the engine oil and the coolant in your car.

Most of the time it is seen that oil leaks in vehicles happen because of compromised gaskets. The valve cover gasket is particularly prone to cracks after years of usage and this is the place from where engine oil leaks out. However, apart from the valve cover gasket leak, the engine oil might also leak from a malfunctioning oil pan gasket which needs to be inspected.

Besides that, there are also other gaskets like cylinder head gaskets and timing cover gaskets that can also encounter issues leading to possible leakage of oil from these parts.

Bad Seal

There are numerous seals in your vehicle that are responsible for preventing the engine oil from leaking out. The crankshaft and camshaft seal are the components that need to be inspected whenever your high-end car encounters oil leak issues.

The crankshaft seals are located at both ends of the camshaft and it is observed that with years of usage, these seals dry out and develop cracks & sustain damages ultimately. Initially, the leaks from the seals are quite small and there is nothing noticeable in the form of oil puddles under the vehicle.

However, as time passes and the damaged area becomes bigger the leaking oil starts to accumulate on the underside of the engine and this causes the oil to drip out from the front or rear of your engine & it forms a puddle on the garage floor where you have parked your vehicle.

Loose Drain Plug

The drain plug comes into action during routine oil change service of your vehicle where it is removed to let the old oil flow out of your car and it is then secured before the new oil is put in the reservoir. Now, here is the catch, sometimes the mechanic fails to tighten the drain plug perfectly & in due course of time it becomes loose.

Now, this is the place from where engine oil starts to leak out and forms a puddle on the ground where you have parked your BMW. A loose drain plug may not be the first thing in your mind when you encounter engine oil leaks but it is a common problem reported by many BMW drivers.


The above-discussed factors are some of the signs associated with engine oil leaks in your BMW. Most of the time people try to diagnose the source of the leak on their own and this leads to considerable delay & loss of engine oil. The moment you come across an oil puddle on the garage floor, you must contact a reputed auto repair shop to diagnose & fix the source of oil in your BMW.