Domestic Adoption Benefits Our Nation

Author: Kendra Cyrus

Children can be the most beautiful thing in the world; they give you fulfillment, purpose, and above all, they let you love in a way you never knew you could. Children are the miracles of life, but the sad truth is that many people have a challenging time conceiving, or cannot get pregnant at all. Beyond that, there are also people who decide they want children, but do not want to get pregnant themselves. Pregnancy can be a large strain on the body and, for some individuals, that is not a burden they are willing or able to bear. Regardless of what the circumstances are, domestic adoption provides a way for individuals who cannot or do not want to carry a child to term to get the family they are looking for.

Domestic or international?

When people think of adoption, many think of adopting a baby from an overseas country—that is, thousands of miles away, perhaps in a third world, and from a culture where they are not native to the English language. There are many children there that need loving homes, and many families that would benefit from having their child adopted by someone from a first world country, but when you are deciding to adopt, keep in mind that this is not the only option. There are many families looking for domestic adoptions in your own country, state, or even city, and a lot of the time these babies are forgotten about.

Why should we consider domestic adoption?

Domestic adoption helps out our nation. Families that are struggling financially to keep their families afloat or are not in a place to raise a child may feel it is right to give the child up for adoption. In these cases, having a family that is perhaps in the same city allows the biological family to potentially have some contact with their child in the future. If you adopt internationally, there is a high chance that your adopted child will never get to meet or find out who their biological parents are.

Barring that, the domestic adoption of children in need within our community and country allows our nation to grow. By adopting domestically, we are reducing the number of children and young adults that may end up on the street at some point. This, in turn, will likely lower the crime rate and create a more educated society as a whole—something that everyone can benefit from. Lastly, when adopting domestically we are giving opportunities to children who would not normally have them. We are allowing those kids to have a life that is of a higher standard and which will allow them to grow as an individual, in turn helping to contribute to society.

The challenges?

The cons for domestic adoption are few and far between; some parents may feel that the biological parents having contact could be a con, but closed adoption is still available in domestic adoption if that option suits either party best. Above that there really are no drastic cons to domestic adoption. Whether you are adopting domestically or not, and regardless of the reasons you choose to adopt, remember that you are giving a life to a child that he or she would not normally have access to, and there is something to be said for that.