Organic Raw Honey
The golden goodness of Raw Honey. Since ancient times, raw honey has been used as an effective remedy for many health ailments. It contains vitamins, minerals & antioxidants particularly flavonoids & polyphenols which help combat oxidative stress. The quality of honey depends on the source of nectar & beekeeping practices. While purchasing raw honey online, it is best to choose from reputable sources like Natures Box that ensures additive-free raw honey with its purity intact.
Differences between Raw Honey and regular Honey. Unlike other types of honey, raw honey has a thicker texture and may contain tiny particles of pollen which have added health benefits. Bee Pollen is nutritious with vitamins, amino acids, micronutrients, & antioxidants. This honey also consists of beneficial enzymes which are considered good for overall health. There is no heating, filtering and processing involved.
The process of obtaining Raw Honey. Honeybees collect the nectar from various flowering plants, store it in their honey sacs & carry it to their hive, where the nectar is transferred. Bees fan their wings to facilitate evaporation of excess water from the nectar. Once water evaporates, the nectar transforms into honey. After the honey is ripened, bees seal the honeycomb cells with beeswax. Beekeepers monitor and obtain the honey carefully from the hive.
Raw honey is high in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Various studies and research reports have indicated that raw honey can boost immunity and can cause cancer cell destruction by apoptosis, a mechanism that allows self-destruction of cells, eliminating unwanted cells. Ayurvedic therapies use honey in various therapies including the treatment of eye diseases, fatigue, dizziness, piles, arthritis, obesity, asthma and throat infections.
Benefits of Pure Organic Raw Honey.
Relieves cold, sore throat – Honey is considered the best traditional remedy to ease sore throat, cough and cold. One spoonful of honey, twice a day, acts as a good cough suppressant, soothing mucus membranes and providing relief from cough.
Instant energy boost – Since honey contains natural sugars, mainly fructose and glucose, it provides quick energy. It drives out fatigue and keeps one energetic during daily activities.
Would healing – The antimicrobial properties present in honey helps prevent infections and promotes faster healing.
Better digestion – Raw honey helps promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and this can help better digestion.
Healthy skin – The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey help get rid of dirt, bacterial infections and help maintain a healthy and glowing skin.
Improves immunity - The phytonutrients in raw honey supports immune system. Studies indicate that honey helps in the production of white blood cells which are important for strong immunity.
It is natural for pure organic raw honey to crystallise. A crystalised honey does not indicate spoilage or change in quality or taste. It is natural for pure raw honey to crystallise. However, it can be brought back to its liquid state by placing the honey bottle in a bowl of warm water. Honey can last long due to its acidity factor and the absence of water. It can be stored at room temperature. Refrigeration should be avoided as it can quickly solidify honey.
Things to remember while buying Raw Honey Online. Choose pure honey from reputable sources. Check for labels, product descriptions, and certifications. Enjoy the true benefits of honey without compromising on health. Nature’s Box takes utmost care in bringing the true taste of additive-free, pure and beyond organic raw honey gently gathered by expert tribesmen who get it straight from the honeycomb. For more information on Nature’s Box Trueney raw honey check
Quality certified raw honey is obtained from the nectar of various medicinally rich flowers and is free from artificial flavors and preservatives.