Signs That Can Tell You If Your Loved One Has Been Suffering Nursing Home Abuse

Author: Jay Dhruv

An increasing number of people are in need of the 24-hour care that nursing homes provide as the older generation ages. Many older adults find it challenging to perform daily tasks due to physical disabilities as well as cognitive impairments like dementia and Alzheimer's disease. When family members entrust their loved ones to a nursing home, they anticipate that their care will be impartial, compassionate, & constant. Sadly, things do not always work out like this.

Continue reading to discover warning signs that the staff at a nursing home is mistreating your loved one. Speak to a Des Moines nursing home injury lawyer to learn more.

Signs that can tell you if your loved one has been suffering nursing home abuse

The fact that many victims of abuse & neglect in nursing homes are unable to express how they have been abused is one of the saddest aspects of this problem. It is the responsibility of friends & family to look out for indications of poor care when a resident of a nursing home is unable to speak for themselves. The following are red flags that your family member is not receiving the necessary care in a nursing home:

  • Notable emotional shifts:

If a loved one is residing in a nursing home, observe any significant behavioral changes in them. Neglect may be indicated if that individual is suddenly unable to perform at the same level as before. Other indicators that something is wrong include having a depressed mood, withdrawing & becoming uncommunicative, & refusing to engage in activities. Residents who are subjected to emotional abuse frequently exhibit increased agitation, withdrawal, fear, or hostility. Neglect may also manifest as unexplained weight loss & disturbed sleep patterns.

  • Employees who refuse to respond to your inquiries:

Regretfully, not all individuals employed in assisted living facilities do so for motivational reasons. Staff members may be neglecting residents if they brush off your questions & concerns, act as though they are trying to conceal something, or ask you not to worry about things that should concern you.

  • Untrained or inattentive staff:

When a call light goes on, nursing home staff members should react right away & never let a call go unanswered. The primary concern for nursing home workers should be the health & safety of the residents. Neglectful, impolite, or antagonistic staff members could be warning signs that the assisted living facility does not place the necessary value on its residents.

  • Unaccounted-for physical symptoms:

It is appalling to think that there are people who would purposely harm the most defenseless members of our community. Abuse in nursing homes does occur, though. Staff members may be abusing your loved one if they have unknown wounds, scratches, bed sores, or are malnourished or dehydrated.