C2040-920, Certification For IBM WebSphere Portal Exam Detail

Author: Nihal Warda

C2040-920, IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 Deployment and Administration exam helps you in completing the learning and understanding of the WebSphere which has been used among many enterprises, so to maintain it, professionals need certification for which the allotted time is seventy five minutes where they have to solve fifty questions and be able to score seventy six percent to be that expert. The professionals get certified by IBM Certified System Administrator - WebSphere Portal 7.0.

C2040-920, IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 Deployment and Administration exam main divided topics consists of various objectives that are given in the relation with the WebSphere portal, the exam takers have to learn because they are validated on key objectives that are, Architecting a portal solution, Customization and Administration, Installation and Configuration and Security.

The C2040-920, IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 Deployment and Administration validating objectives consists of to Describe branding capabilities, a staging architecture, end-to-end portal architecture, Plan and implement security in a cluster, Plan multiple virtual portals, Plan security and authentication concepts, the benefits of using step-up authentication and remember me cookie, Plan Web Content Management implementation, Planning WebSphere Portal migration, Understand business process integration concepts, Understand cross-cell deployment scenarios, dynamic clustering, horizontal and vertical clustering, management implications of setting up wikis and blogs, management implications of tagging and rating, new installation and topology options, Multiple profiles, Portal farms, Portal in the cloud environment, Modify portal URLs, to configure a remote search service for portals and to Understand portal site management.

The C2040-920, IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 Deployment and Administration exam syllabus also constitutes of Using portal search, Utilize collaborative portal components, Manage Search portlet to administer portal search, the Portal Site Management portlet, the Portal Site wizard, working with WebDAV clients, Add nodes to a cluster and dynamic clusters, Ajax proxy, WebSphere Application Server and portal caching, Create a WebSphere Network Deployment dynamic cluster, Implement horizontal and vertical clustering, portals using the portal site wizard, set up a clustered production environment, WebSphere Portal and customized resources, a silent installation from a response file, the personalization server, Plan your installation, Set up and configure options for wikis and blogs, portal farms, ConfigEngine commands, improvements to the installation wizard and when to use the wizard instead of commands, Understand installation components, portal coexistence (mixed versions) and installation options, portal installation components, portal tuning concepts, the use of the portal property files, how to configure Websphere Portal light mode, files located after installation, Utilize command-line tools, Utilize configuration template, installation wizards for post configuration, Utilize multiple LDAP realms, application templates to assemble composite applications, Administer application roles, portal roles and authorization, page and portlet security, Configure login, logout, and session filters, look-aside user registry and add attributes, Deploying portlets in a secure environment, Enable impersonation SSO with WebSphere Portal and Lotus Domino, administer single sign-on realms, LDAP and federated authentication mode, Integrate external security managers, portal search security, user registries, default passwords for WebSphere Portal, Secure your WSRP producer multiple realm and also know how to use the configuration wizard.

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