Strawberry Cultivation Technology

Author: Doris Zhang

I. Biological characteristicsStrawberry is a perennial evergreen herb. The root system is the root system of stem origin, which is shallow and mostly distributed in the soil layer of 10-15cm around the plant and 0-30cm deep. There are three kinds of stems: new stems, rhizomes and stolons, and the leaves are pinnately compound, mostly 3-foliolate. Flower buds are inserted at the shortened stems, and the time of flower bud differentiation is generally from mid-September to mid- to late-October. Flowers are perfect flowers in cymes. The fruit is polymerised.

Second, suitable varietiesFacility cultivation species suitable varieties are mainly star, Baojiao Early Born, Chunxiang, Fengxiang, Hani, Jingxiang, Xingdu 1, Fogelia and so on.

Third, seedling preparationDaylight greenhouse cultivation before planting seedlings are required to meet the following standards: 4-5 pieces of sound development of complete leaves, stem thickness of 1-1.5cm, there are more than 20 thickness of 1mm or more new roots, plant dwarf.There are two main sources of raspberry container growing applied in current production: strawberry seedlings bred by conventional method and detoxified seedlings bred by tissue culture method. The cultivation and propagation of detoxified seedlings have been factory produced in some areas. Compared with conventional seedlings, detoxified seedlings obviously grow vigorously, produce more fruit, have a larger number of single fruits, have a higher early yield, and are more resistant to diseases and pests, which can generally increase the yield by about 25% compared with non-detoxified seedlings. However, the strawberry commonly used in the production of conventional seedlings.

Four, planting1. Ground preparation, make border Strawberry planting land should choose loamy soil and sandy loam soil is good. Land preparation should be completed before mid-August. Before planting, a sufficient amount of fertiliser should be applied. It is best to apply 3000-3500kg of rotted chicken manure per 667 square metres, mixed with an appropriate amount of phosphate and potash fertiliser and turned into the soil. Strawberries are most afraid of heavy crops, for continuous greenhouses should be soil disinfection, available methyl bromide fumigation method or high temperature disinfection method.After the completion of land preparation, strawberries should be used in raised beds, especially in daytime greenhouses, because of the low temperature in winter, raised beds are conducive to raising the soil temperature. The direction of the beds is north-south, which is favourable to the light. If you have to use the east-west direction, the beds should be made into the south low and north high, so that the seedlings can grow in the same way. The height of the south side is 20cm, the height of the north side is 30cm, the width of the border is 40cm, and the width of the bottom is 60cm.The north-south direction of the raised beds, bed width 40cm, bottom width 60cm, bed height 25cm, bed and bed centre distance of 100cm. conditions should be used in places with drip irrigation technology, not only does not significantly reduce the ground temperature, but also combined with the application of fertilizers.2. planting greenhouse planting time for late August to early September, such as for some reason can not be planted on schedule, can be planted after October, early September to early October for the flower bud differentiation period, if planted at this time, will affect the quality of flower bud differentiation. This should be avoided in production. Strawberry planting method is to plant two rows on the border, using a planting shovel to open the hole for planting. The specific requirements for planting are:① in the false planting bed is best to choose to focus on planting the third generation of seedlings, followed by the second generation, the fourth generation of seedlings, generally do not use the first generation of seedlings.② planting depth requirements deep not buried heart, shallow not exposed roots.③ Seedlings in the planting requirements bow back outward, so that the future direction of inflorescence all in the direction of the two sides of the raised beds, is conducive to flower thinning and fruit picking, while reducing the incidence of pests and diseases.④ Planting density, plant spacing 15-20cm, row spacing 25cm, per 667 square metres planting number of about 8000 plants.Soil fertility is high, greenhouse performance is good, seedling planting quantity should be less. Planting should try to avoid the midday sun, generally 3:00 p.m. after planting, the survival rate is higher.

3. Management after planting After planting, we should always keep the soil moist, every 3-7 days watering 1 time, in order to facilitate the slowing down of seedlings. Strawberry seedlings after survival, the formal flower bud differentiation period, in order to promote the formation of flower buds, to control fertiliser and water. Immediately after the seedling is planted, use shade netting to reduce the temperature, which is conducive to the survival of the seedlings, but also to promote the differentiation of flower buds. In addition, black or grey reflective film can be used for shading treatment, generally in the false planting period, but after planting shading treatment can still effectively promote bud differentiation.

Five, solarium cultivation management techniques1. Buckling and buckling after management(1) buckle shed time Daylight greenhouse buckle shed insulation period is when the outside night temperature drops to 8-10 ℃,blueberry plant pot should not be too early or too late. General temperature below 5 ℃, strawberries into dormancy. Night 6-7 ℃ for the critical temperature of the insulation period.Greenhouse strawberries buckle shed insulation time from November to late February of the following year can be carried out. In order to facilitate the management, generally in the seedlings into dormancy, the soil has not yet frozen this period of time, the specific time for the first half of November to the first half of December. Farmers can be operated according to the snow festival before buckling the shed. It should be noted that: if early buckling trellis, buckling trellis and then buckle the film; if late buckling trellis, must first buckle the film, required to be completed before the soil freezes.(2) Temperature regulation After buckling the greenhouse, the temperature at 10:00 a.m. (on a sunny day) is above 35 ℃, the wind should be released in time to cool down, so that the daytime greenhouse temperature of 28-30 ℃, the night temperature of 12-15 ℃, the minimum is not less than 8 ℃.As the temperature continues to fall, the night on the film should be placed in a timely manner to strengthen the heat preservation, when the night indoor temperature drops to 8-10 ℃, the morning and evening began to uncover the grass curtain.(3) humidity regulation The humidity is very high after buckling the shed, usually reaching 100% in the morning. Before and after noon to release the wind to reduce humidity is the best time, other time to reduce humidity should be the first principle of heat preservation. But after just applying a lot of human, animal manure and urine and nitrogen fertiliser, within one or two days, to avoid volatile nitrogen dissolved in water vapour condensation dripping water burning leaves and seedlings, should be in order not to frostbite strawberry seedlings under the premise of trying to release the wind to extend the time of humidity.(4) Mulch cover Covering the mulch after buckling the greenhouse is an important task. With a thickness of 0.008-0.015mm black film anti-weed insulation effect is better than white film. Covering the film requires about 15 days to complete after buckling the greenhouse, cover the film with the cover with the seedlings out.(5) gibberellin treatment Gibberellin plays an important role in strawberry greenhouse production. It can promote nutrient growth, prevent plant dormancy, promote inflorescence elongation, spraying at low temperatures can play a role in long sunshine. The period of pots of gibberellin is required to be carried out when the new leaves grow 2-3 pieces after the buckling of the greenhouse, with the inflorescence just about to be exposed, with the best effect. Spraying content of 5-10 microlitres / litre of solution, Fengxiang optimal concentration of 10 microlitres / litre, Baojiao Early Born for 20 microlitres / litre. Deeply dormant varieties can be sprayed twice, which should be done within half a month before inflorescence emergence. No more spraying after the inflorescence is drawn out, otherwise it will cause the futile growth. Spraying dose should be strictly controlled, too much, plant growth, low fruiting rate, deformed fruit, too low does not play any role, 7 days after spraying can see the obvious effect, if the effect is not obvious can be timely supplementary spraying.(6) Fertiliser management is in the pre-flowering period, combined with fertiliser (furrowing on the bed or hole) should be watered thoroughly. Fertiliser is mainly compound fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of 15% each, the amount of 20kg per 667 square metres, after covering the mulch membrane fertilizer is best formulated as 0.2% of the fertilizer water.

  1. Flowering period management Strawberry buds began to appear about 30 days after the buckling of the greenhouse, the temperature of the buds during the day 25-28 ℃, 10 ℃ at night is appropriate. If the night temperature is too high, more than 13℃, the axillary flower buds will be degraded and the development of pistil will be hindered. Flowering management is very critical, first of all, we must do a good job of temperature and humidity regulation. Temperature during the day to 23-25 ℃ is appropriate, the night to 8-10 ℃ is appropriate. Too low a temperature anthers can not split, affecting pollination and fertilisation. Indoor humidity during flowering should not be too high, and should be controlled at about 40%.Thinning is the main work of this period, senior second small flowers, weak anthers timely thinning, thinning each inflorescence to retain 7-10, with the fruiting, timely deformed fruit, diseased fruit, small fruit thinning, and ultimately the first inflorescences to retain 5-7 fruits, leaving a small number of fruits is a large fruit, high economic value.In order to promote fruiting, the flowering period to promote the release of bees, every 1000 square metres can put a box of bees.Flowering pests and diseases are mainly aphids, the flowering period strictly spray pesticides, otherwise it will affect the fruit. Aphid fumigant can be used for fumigation.In addition, the strawberry into the flowering period, the plant side buds began to grow, with the removal of old leaves, should be timely to break off the side buds, in addition to the main buds, the side buds to retain up to 2-3, and all the rest removed. Greenhouse cultivation, after flowering stolons, also began to occur in large numbers, in the fruit harvest before the formation of stolons should be removed in a timely manner.
  2. Fruit hypertrophy period management After flowering and fruiting, the fruit into the hypertrophy period, indoor temperature at 20-25 ℃, 6-8 ℃ in the evening. This period should be chased with fertiliser 1 word, with three yuan compound fertiliser, formulated as 0.2% of the fertiliser per plant watering 0.5L, in order to replenish water and nutrients. This period should continue to clear the deformed fruit.Another important technical measure often used in this period of production is carbon dioxide fertiliser.
  3. Ripening management daylight greenhouse strawberries from flowering to ripening takes about 50 days, usually in mid-November to May of the following year.Strawberry fruit is the correct harvesting method is to use the thumb and forefinger nails to cut off the fruit stalk, and then picked. The shorter the stalk of the harvested fruit, the better, otherwise the fruit will be too long for the stalk and break each other, affecting the quality of the fruit, resulting in unnecessary losses. Daylight greenhouse cultivation in the fruit packaging is also very important. The outer packaging for the carton, the inner 6 small boxes, each small box containing 15 fruit, weighing about 250g, small box packaging for the white tray, the texture of polypropylene, covered with cling film.
  4. Post-harvest management Daylight greenhouse strawberry first inflorescence after the end of the harvest, should be removed in a timely manner old leaves and residual inflorescence stalk. This period of the second inflorescence began to grow, flower and fruit management is still very necessary, the requirements of each inflorescence to stay fruit 4-5 appropriate, because this period is in the low temperature season, fruiting is affected by the temperature is relatively large, should focus on fruit thinning, thinning out the deformed fruits, diseased fruits, the period of time should be chased fertiliser and water for 1 time, should try to avoid the large water ditch irrigation to prevent the soil temperature is too low plant growth is slow. If the plant dwarfing serious, should spray 5-10 microlitre / litre of gibberellin, single plant dosage of 5ml, in order to promote growth.
  5. Late management daylight greenhouse strawberry into the end of February after the second inflorescence successive results, while the third inflorescence flowering and fruiting, this period with the temperature increase in plant and soil moisture evaporation increases, this period combined with fertiliser watering 1 time water, the later fruit quality and yield of how this fertiliser plays a key role. In general, this is the last fertiliser in greenhouse cultivation, applying a larger amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium each accounted for 15%, 1000 square metres of application amount of 30-40kg is appropriate. The main hole application, the film will be lifted up, after the application of fertiliser recovery. Greenhouse into the beginning of March with the temperature increase should increase the air vent, air time is correspondingly longer. Room temperature during the day should be maintained at about 25 ℃, about 8 ℃ at night, the temperature is too high, the fruit is small and quality decline. Indoor night temperature above 5 ℃, stop uncovering. late March after the third inflorescence into the fruit peak, at this time there are inflorescences grow, due to the late plant root system gradually aging, absorption capacity is weakened, the fruit is not big, the production of the fourth inflorescence since it will be removed to save nutrients for the growth of the third inflorescence of fruit. Later high temperature is prone to red spider, pay attention to the prevention and control.After the second half of May began to withdraw the greenhouse refurbishment, ready for the next year's work. The greenhouse harvest period ends at the end of May. Although it can still continue to fruit, but basically lost commodity value.The greenhouse film begins to be removed in early May. After harvest, the rows are generally spaced and eradicated for in situ seedling production. The retained rows are used as seedling mother plants, and due to the high density, the retained rows should also be clear of a part of the plant, to 30cm1 plant is appropriate.Naturehydro Hydroponic Grow Systeminfo@naturehydro.com