Top Questions People Have Surrounding Kidney Infections!

Author: Francine Kanter

For anyone who doesn't know, a kidney infection is a form of urinary tract infection (UTI). These infections generally start inside the tube that carries urine out of our body (urethra) or inside the urinary bladder. Once it crosses the urethra, it can quickly travel to one or both your kidneys.

Since kidney infections can result in severe complications and permanent damage, it's best to address these infections promptly. Failing to do so could result in life-long damage to one or both of your kidneys. The bacteria could even find a way into your bloodstream, resulting in a dangerous infection. While you can address a kidney infection in several ways, homeopathy is the best. A homeopathic remedy for kidney infection can help you manage the issue using 100% natural ingredients.

What Causes Kidney Infections?

Professionals say most kidney infections start as a bladder infection, slowly moving up inside your body. In most cases, the infection is caused by bacteria in your bowel. Our urinary tract has multiple ways to prevent such infections from moving up the urinary tract. For instance, urination should ideally flush out all bacteria before they get a chance to reach the bladder. However, sometimes, our body fails to fight this bacteria, resulting in a UTI. If you don't treat your urinary tract infection on time, this bacteria will eventually reach your kidneys.

What Are The Top Symptoms Of A Kidney Infection?

Top symptoms that suggest you have a kidney infection vary depending on your age. These symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Pain in your side, back, or groin area
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Dark, bloody, cloudy, or foul-smelling urine
  • Painful, frequent urination

Kids under two years old only have a high fever. For adults older than 65, a kidney infection might not show any typical signs. The only problem they might have is related to thinking, like

  • Hallucinations
  • Jumbled speech
  • Confusion

If you notice one or a combination of these symptoms, you must seek medical attention immediately! Remember, a kidney infection could also result in a life-threatening condition called Sepsis! Top symptoms of Sepsis include chills, fever, rapid breathing and heart rate, confusion, and rash.

Can You Cure Kidney Infections Naturally At Home?

Many people nowadays prefer natural home remedies over traditional medications simply because they don't have any adverse side effects. However, since kidney infections are a severe condition, it is essential that you don't fully rely on home remedies. Instead, consider speaking with a doctor of homeopathy in Deland!

Pairing homeopathic remedies with a few home remedies can help you find better, faster, and longer-lasting relief! In addition to homeopathy, consider drinking plenty of water, consuming cranberry juice, and avoiding coffee and alcohol to see ideal results.

When you meet with your homeopath, they can also give you more home remedies to help you find relief. Homeopathy is all about curing your body from the inside, so your practitioner may ask you many questions about your medical history, lifestyle, and even your family's medical history before prescribing a remedy. Remember, these remedies are customized to fit you and will not have the same effect on other people.