Advantages of Using Durable and Innovative Vacuum Plastic Bags

Author: Mike Thomas

Recently packaging is regarded as an essential component of our modern life style and the way business is organized. The main function of packaging is to provide protection to the products from dirt, insects, dampness and breakage. It also serves as an identification of the products. A product is packed in special sized, coloured and shaped bags and pouches for keeping its different from the other products of your competitors. Plastic bags (sachet plastique) and vacuum bags (sachet sous vide) are one of the effective and durable forms of packaging available in the market. These bags are used for packaging a wide range of products including

  • Meat packaging
Fresh fish
  • Cheese packaging
Peanuts packaging
  • Frozen food packaging
Vegetables and lots more.

Many of the products require protection, especially when its products must be protected against moisture and oxygen. These plastic vacuum bags are inclusive of metalized and aluminum foil lamination which provide high barrier against contamination and elongates the shelf life of the products. These bags have an effective feature that of removing air from the bag before the packaging to preserve its contents. They are sealed; it protects the products against microorganisms and bacterial contamination. After wrapping products, no opportunity for oxygen to enter back into the bag, they the products remain fresh and aromatic for prolonged period of time.

These vacuum bags (sachet sous vide) are available in a variety of colours, sizes and shapes such as stand up pouches, gusseted plastic bags, side sealed bags, retort pouches and various others. These bags are able to provide more durability than the rigid contained because they are produced by using various plastic films like MET, PE, BOPP, BOPA, LLDPE and PVC. You are also able to choose if you want to customize your bags and make them unique and innovative, you can send the manufacturers your designs with your specifications and they will print the bags with your company logo, brand name and other useful information according your requirements by using the advanced rotogravure technique. This custom printed plastic bags (sachet plastique) would serve as an effective promotional tool and make you better sell your products. These bags are also equipped with several accessories such as
  • Zip closure
Tear notch
  • Euro slot
Degassing valves
  • Transparent window
Thus these vacuum bags (sachet sous vide) are convenient enough and the perfect solution for your products as they are able to provide safe and leakage proof storage and transportation of the products. They are advantageous in terms of logistics, its flexible design, cost effectiveness, excellent temper resistance features and attractiveness.