Obesity is more dangerous than inaction

Author: Chandra Shekhar

Indian Medical Association (IMA), according to the guidelines will prove beneficial daily exercise the slightest. Take a 20 minute walk every day, even if the person is enough, regardless of whether or not human fat. Chairman of IMA. Martanda Pillay and Secretary General and Chairman of the Heart Care Foundation of India.

Agarwal said that the inactivity in which any such sedentary recreational physical activity is a job that does not work. Experts said that, according to a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who are not physically active, a little exercise every day for them to be beneficial to health Finally, we found that just 20 minutes of exercise can also give big advantages. So we should make it an important part of your regular routine.

IMA for healthy living tips:

  1. If you are going on upper floor of the building then don’t take lift from ground floor always take it first floor also park your bike from some distance of lift.
  2. Always park car or other vehicle on some distance away from your destination and walk from there to go and that is your exercise.
  3. When you are at home then do not use your mobile phone for talking, use a landline phone and have to walk a little further and that is good for your health.
  4. Use the remote control for TV and always sit properly when you are watching TV.
  5. Keep walking and moment your hand when you are talking on your mobile phone.
  6. When watching TV not lying, sit or use during exercise bicycle. This exercise will work for you and make you healthy.
  7. Instead of meeting use your bicycle and walking on garden.
  8. Always count your steps when you are walking and try to reach the 10,000 steps.
  9. When you are in marriage do not eat food near from serving table because you are walking and some distance in your table and food cart then it will take good for you because you are walking to take food and so that you eat less food.
  10. If guests are coming home to receive them up and out of the habit of giving to you. It's not just showing you respect them, but there will be a little stroll. This is very good for your health and for your body.

Author has been writing articles for News, tour & travel, technology, software industries and marketing industries from the past 6 years. Currently he is glancing and sharing information on business news in hindi