PW0-250, Wireless Design Professional Objectives
PW0-250, Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) exam main topics that cover different level in exam are Network Planning covering ten percent, Enterprise WLAN Design Strategies covering twenty five percent, Infrastructure Design and Network Services cover ten percent, WLAN RF Design covering twenty percent, Advanced Site Surveying covering twenty five percent, 802.11 Security Design covering five percent and Design Troubleshooting five percent.
PW0-250, Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) certification exam will provide you with different validating questions that ought to be understood clearly by the candidates.
The first is Network Planning covering ten percent which includes best practices for pre-deployment information gathering and network planning tasks, business justification and the intended goals for the WLAN, budget for a WLAN project and plan a solution accordingly, client device types to be used and understand their impact on design requirements which consists of Applications supported, MAC feature support, PHY support, transmit power, and other RF characteristics.
The applicants for PW0-250, Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) have to learn about applications to be supported and understand the requirements which are Coverage requirements, Capacity requirements, Security requirements, High Availability, Latency requirements and application-specific considerations.
The PW0-250. Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) exam takers have to know about the WLAN and planning a network, physical environment network and describe best practices for network deployments, Common areas, detailed understanding of RF propagation, RF propagation characteristics, Common construction practices, Building materials and attenuation characteristics, Outdoor RF characteristics, demonstrate common planning techniques and deployment approaches for outdoor networks such as Point-to-point bridging, Point-to-multipoint bridging and Mesh deployments.
The applicants of PW0-250, Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) also need to Understand the role of regulatory compliance requirements in network planning practices for maintaining compliance, network service requirements and implement Service Level Agreements (SLA) which consists of Creation, Monitoring, Reporting, Action, Phased upgrades, Upgrading client, Redesigning to support new applications, Pre-deployment testing and verification practices, Firmware or software upgrades, Implementing new features with existing hardware, Replacing hardware, migration strategies of floors. Also included are buildings or other campus-specific characteristics, Blueprints / floor plan, Access restrictions, Plenum, Mounting, Safety and health regulations and concerns, Power source, MDF and IDF locations, Wiring limitations, Existing WLAN information, Aesthetic requirements, the role of documentation in network planning and design which are Scope of work, NDA, Hold harmless, Network deployment acceptance criteria, Network design deliverable such as solution explanation, Site survey deliverable, Bill of Materials (BOM), purpose of network planning tools that are Predictive RF modeling, WLAN simulators and RF Calculators.
Enterprise WLAN Design Strategies is the next section of PW0-250, Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) details which cover the objectives of WLAN architectures and solutions. Identify best practice design concepts for architecture Management which consists of solutions, Protocols for communication and discovery, Data forwarding models, Scalability and bottlenecks, Redundancy Strategies, Device location in the network, Encryption and decryption, VLANs, QoS, Roaming considerations, Architecture-specific security considerations, RF and channel planning, Capacity planning, AP-Controller associations, Licensing and Advantages and limitations.
The PW0-250, Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) topic of Centralized WLAN Architectures consists of Local MAC, Split MAC and Remote MAC; other topics are Autonomous WLAN Architectures, Distributed WLAN Architectures and WLAN Arrays.
With our Pw0-250 Preparation Kits, you will be able to pass the Cwdp PDF Questions in your first attempt.