Top Features To Look For In Quality Tandem Trailer - Buyers Guide

Author: Halco Trailers

Looking to haul heavier loads or need a more versatile trailer for your business? Then, a Tandem Trailer might be the perfect choice for you! But with so many options on the market, finding the right one can be difficult.

This article takes you deep into the crucial features you should consider when choosing a quality tandem trailer in Australia. This guide can help you make the correct decision when you decide to consult a Tandem Trailer Manufacture Company.

What is a Tandem Trailer?

Before we understand features, let's quickly understand what a tandem trailer is. Unlike single-axle trailers, tandem trailers have two axles, allowing them to carry significantly more weight (generally, between 12,000 kg and 30,000 kg) and handle larger loads. This makes them ideal for transporting heavy machinery, construction materials, freight, and more.

Essential Features For Your Tandem Trailer

Now, let's understand the key features to look for in a quality tandem trailer.

  1. Durability and Build Quality

Think of your trailer as a strong athlete. It carries heavy loads, so it needs top-notch materials like galvanised steel or aluminium for the chassis (frame) and deck (floor). These materials resist rust and corrosion, making your trailer last longer with less maintenance. You also need to check the welds – good welds are like strong stitches, holding everything together tightly.

  1. How Much Weight? Payload Capacity

Imagine packing your backpack for a hike. You wouldn't overload it, right? Same with your trailer! Know the weight you'll be carrying. Choose a trailer with a payload capacity (maximum safe weight) that's higher than your needs. It's like having extra space in your backpack – better to have some wiggle room than be overloaded.

The load-carrying capacity of a tandem trailer is determined by factors such as axle weight ratings and Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM). Ensure the trailer can safely carry the weight of your cargo, including the trailer frame and body. Consult a Quality Tandem Trailer Manufacturer and discuss with them specifications on load capacity to avoid overloading the trailer.

  1. Tyre Quality and Size

The type and size of tyres play a vital role in load-bearing capacity, handling, and safety. Opt for heavy-duty tyres designed for tandem trailers, ensuring they can handle the weight and various road conditions. Consider wider tyres for better stability and improved braking performance.

  1. Suspension System

A good suspension system is essential for a smooth ride, especially when transporting delicate cargo. Look for manufacturers offering reliable suspension systems, like leaf springs or air-ride suspension, that absorb bumps and vibrations, protecting your load and enhancing driving comfort.

  1. Braking System

Reliable brakes are non-negotiable. Ensure the trailer has powerful electric or air brakes that comply with Australian safety regulations. Additionally, check if the braking system has an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) for enhanced stopping power, especially in slippery or emergencies.

  1. Mechanical vs. Electric Brakes

Understanding the difference between mechanical and electric brakes is essential when choosing a tandem trailer. Mechanical brakes use a hydraulic cylinder, while electric brakes rely on an electric actuator. While electric brakes offer better stopping power, they can be more expensive. Consider your braking needs and budget when making your selection.

  1. Safety Features and Compliances

Safety comes first! Look for trailers equipped with essential safety features like safety chains, reflectors, LED lighting systems, and mudguards. These features improve visibility on the road, prevent accidents, and ensure safe transportation of your cargo.

Ensure the tandem trailer complies with Australian road safety standards and regulations. Consult with a quality tandem trailer manufacturer such as Halco Trailers who understands the legal requirements and ensures the trailer meets your specific needs and preferences.

  1. Customisation Options

Some manufacturers offer customisation options to tailor the trailer to your specific needs. This might include adding toolboxes, ramps, winches, stake pockets, or extensions. Consider your specific requirements and choose a manufacturer who can provide the necessary customisations.

Also, consider using self-priming paint to enhance the appearance and durability of your tandem trailer. Choose a high-quality paint that offers UV protection and adheres well to the surface. Ensure proper ventilation and safety precautions when applying paint to the trailer.

  1. Galvanised vs. Painted Trailer

Galvanised trailers offer better corrosion resistance and durability compared to painted trailers. While painted trailers may be more visually appealing, they require more maintenance and are not suitable for saltwater environments. Consider your planned use and environmental conditions when choosing between galvanised and painted trailers.

  1. Cage or No Cage

Cage trailers provide added security and are ideal for carrying bulky items. Consider whether you need the added protection of a cage when selecting a tandem trailer. Cage trailers are popular in Australia and offer enhanced versatility for various hauling needs.

  1. Thickness of Steel

The thickness of the steel frame is crucial for the structural integrity of the tandem trailer. Opt for a frame size that can adequately support the weight of the trailer and cargo. Thicker steel frames are more durable and provide better load-bearing capacity.

  1. Build Quality and Drawbar

Inspect the build quality of the tandem trailer, including the drawbar and axle configuration. Look for features such as slide-under ramps for easy loading and plenty of lashing points for securing cargo. A sturdy drawbar is essential for safe towing and handling.

  1. Trailer Manufacturer Reputation

Research the reputation and experience of the quality tandem trailer manufacturer. Check online reviews, testimonials, and industry recognition. Choose a manufacturer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality trailers and providing excellent customer service.

And if you are looking for a Quality Tandem Trailer Manufacturer who has a solid reputation, you can rely on Halco Trailers. You can consult them and look at the high standards set by them in manufacturing quality and robust trailers.

  1. Price and Value

While cost is a factor, remember you're not just buying a trailer, you're investing in a long-term asset. Don't compromise on quality for a lower price. Look for a balance between affordability and value, ensuring the chosen trailer offers the features and durability necessary to last for years to come.


Choosing the right tandem trailer manufacturer in Australia is crucial for the safe and efficient transportation of your cargo. By considering the features outlined above, you can make an informed decision and find a trailer that meets your specific needs and budget. Remember, quality matters – invest in a tandem trailer that will serve you well for years to come, ensuring smooth and successful journeys on the road.