LRP-614, Portal Developer Explanation
LRP-614, Liferay Portal Developer exam is designed to promote the knowledge regarding the portal for great benefits and also technically created for the developers that perform tasks like this. The main reason for taking this exam is to increase the relatively which is based on the direction which goes for the product of Liferay. The students have to do some smart learning for different objectives that can be done from the study guide which is a very good source of help for any individuals that prefers self-study, the study guide will provide the applicants with intricate details of the topics that will help in developing better understanding of the syllabus and the purpose of the certification.
LRP-614, Liferay Portal Developer certification exam has been designed for the professionals to be able to become the portal develop and have the valid certification to prove it, for this exam it is essential for the exam taker to have some basic knowledge about the technology and have some amount of work experience as well. The exam itself is of ninety minutes consisting of limited number of questions that are fifty in number, also there is a limit of passing level that is seventy five percent. Applicants have to be able to score seventy five percent to get credentials. The registration for this exam can be done online.
LRP-614, Liferay Portal Developer certification exam will make you answerable on the following topics given with the percentages.
The topics include Liferay Development Best Practices covering ten percent, Liferay Architecture and APIs covering twenty five percent, Liferay Portlet Plugin Development covering twenty percent, Liferay Hook Plugin Development cover twenty five percent, Liferay Theme Plugin Development covering five percent, Liferay Layout Template Plugin Development five percent and Liferay Advanced Customization covering ten percent.
LRP-614, Liferay Portal Developer certification exam after passing will help you in Building Portlets in Liferay's Plugins SDK, Java standard Portlets, Liferay's service architecture, Using Service Builder to generate a robust service layer, Building complex Portlet applications with user input, persistence, feedback and localization, Connecting your application to Liferay's permission system, Adding support for Application Display Templates to your application, Customizing the portal using hooks, How themes are created and function, How layout templates are created and function, Extensively modifying the portal through an Ext plugin, Development best practices, Using Liferay Developer Studio and Deploying projects to an instance of Liferay. These topics are just given in the general way; the details for this exam can be attained form the website of the vendor under the heading of the exam blue print in which the exam takers will find all the needed details.
Before the LRP-614, Liferay Portal Developer exam, the candidates need to develop the knowledge for Development experience with Java and Servlets. This is not all; the candidates should also have the basic knowledge about the technology along with the experience in the field of dealing with the product, all this has been made a recommendation by the vendor for the individuals to become real professionals and be able to pass conveniently and understand the perks of certification as well as know about the implementation and maintenance tasks.
CertifySchool offers a complete Range of PDF Questions and Answers set, that is prepared by experienced and qualified professionals Regarding Lrp-614 Exam Certification and Liferay Exam Dumps.