Mobility Scooters/Wheelchair Lifts: Acquiring One

Author: Todd Dawson

Independence is something everyone desires. Thanks to technology, moving around freely is not impossible anymore even for a wheelchair bound person. All you need to do is to evaluate your requirements and choose a device accordingly. If you are someone who enjoys an outdoor life, a mobility scooter is the best choice. It allows you to travel independently. However, you may have to go for a wheelchair lift to get into a van when going for long trips. Fortunately, buying one is not a trouble anymore; just follow the guidelines given below.

Buying mobility scooters/wheelchair lifts

As mentioned above, your options are vast in mobility scooters. Your bodyweight, the size you want and the strength of your upper body should be the determinants when making a choice here. Just do the following to eliminate errors when taking a decision.

1. Buy from a renowned dealer

It is true that shopping on your own allows more freedom. But, buying from a dealer is highly recommended; especially if you are someone with a tight budget. A majority of them will be related to charitable organizations from where you can get financial assistance. There may also be rebate programs and other such arrangements to help those in need.

2. Do a test-drive

Do not go for any particular model before trying it first. All renowned retailers allow you to do it. Some may even visit your home to help you make the right choice. You should also make sure that the controls are designed in such a way as to fulfill your requirements. And, do not ever ignore the safety recommendations. Proper maintenance and keeping the recommended speed limit are some of the things which deserve utmost attention.

Wheelchair lifts

Buying a wheelchair lift too is not as difficult as it may appear. Just keep the following factors in mind.

  • Size: This is the first thing which should command your attention when buying a wheelchair lift. It should be big enough to contain your wheelchair and should be small enough to fit into your van. Take the measurements of your van and approach a mobility equipment dealer. The expert would recommend you a perfect model.
  • Weight: Make sure that the lift is capable of carrying your wheelchair. If you are not planning to lift your chair, you can go for lighter models.

Electric wheelchair lifts are recommended for those who are unable to move the chair on their own. The best thing to do is to get help from a renowned dealer in the field. They would make sure that you get maximum value for the money you spend.

If you decide to go on your own, make sure that you enquire about the reputation of the company of your choice. The warranty offered and the after-sales assistance are the other concerns you should address when making a purchase.

Shopping for mobility scooters/wheelchair lifts is a simple thing. You just have to know how to do it right.

If you own a minivan and you need lift for it call Better Life Mobility Center San Diego and see how they technicians can help install lift and maintain. Further info at this link BetterLifeMobility