1Z0-876, Oracle Solaris Certified Associate Connotation
1Z0-876, Oracle Solaris Certified Associate exam will get you all the learning you need for the product that is Solaris by means of this exam in which the passing level of the exam is seventy six percent that is quite difficult for applicants who done practice, the exam time is one twenty and the questions given in the exam may vary and totally depend on the vendor.
1Z0-876, Oracle Solaris Certified Associate exam has been separated in to different sections that have been jotted down here as under:
The first section is View and Use Components of a Solaris System in which included are to perform the login process using the command line and change the password, command-line features to construct and execute basic commands from the command line and online documentation and resources in the Solaris environment.
The second section of 1Z0-876, Oracle Solaris Certified Associate is View Files and Directories in which applicants learn about directories, operations using the VI editor to edit files and customize a VI session, the Shell, including the purpose of user initialization files, file and directory access, and modify the default permission, Explain access on files and directories.
The third section in 1Z0-876, Oracle Solaris Certified Associate is called Search Files and Directories that includes the knowledge of directories and files on the system, and search for content within files and perform basic process control, specific process, and terminate a process. The fourth section is Advanced Shell Functionality includes how to perform advanced Korn shell functionality, the Shell environment and settings, and run shell scripts.
Fifth section is called Archive Files and Remote Transfers under which the applicants learn about commands to create, view, and retrieve file archives, to compress, view, and uncompress files and perform remote file transfers and to establish a remote system, and transfer files between systems.
1Z0-876, Oracle Solaris Certified Associate preparation is done by the help of an Oracle course that is Oracle Solaris 10 Operating System Essentials course in which applicants will get to know about some significant topics for the applicants they are given as:
Using the Desktop in the Solaris 10 Operating System consists of the hardware components of a computer, the Solaris operating system components, the SunOS software, Log in to the system and the desktop environment, Work with files, Copy files and directories, Move and renames files and directories, Create files and directories, Remove files and directories and Use symbolic links.
Using the VI Editor includes the learning knowledge of the fundamentals of the VI editor, Modify files by using the VI editor, Use shell metacharacters, the Korn shell variables, Display the command history, the command-line interpreter, Work with user initialization files, Redirect commands, View file and directory permissions, Determine file or directory access, Change the permissions, Modify the default permissions, gzcat command, archive multiple files with the zip command, Establish a remote login session, files or directories to and from another system.
There is no shortage of learning topics given for 1Z0-876, Oracle Solaris Certified Associate exam, so the only thing applicants need to do is make efforts to study.
CertifySchool is the best source to provide every possible study material regarding 1Z0-876 Exam and 1Z0-877 Certification Exam.