Dexter Fitness

Author: Deepak Deepak
Fitness tips

"Exercise is the magic pill," says Michael R. Bracko, EdD, FACSM, chairman of the American College of Sports Medicine’s Consumer Information Committee. "Exercise can cure diseases like some forms of heart disease. Exercise has been implicated in helping people prevent or recover from some forms of cancer. Exercise helps people with arthritis. Exercise helps people prevent and reverse depression."And there’s no arguing that exercise can help most people lose weight, as well as look more toned and trim. Of course, there’s a catch. You need to get – and keep – moving if you want to cash in on the benefits. This doesn’t necessarily mean following a strict, time-consuming regimen at the gym – although that can certainly reap benefits. The truth is you can get rewards from many different types and levels of exercise.

"Any little increment of physical activity is going to be a great boost to weight loss and feeling better," says Rita Redberg, MSc, chairwoman of the American Heart Association’s Scientific Advisory Board for the Choose to Move program. Your exercise options are numerous, including walking, dancing, gardening, biking – even doing household chores, says Redberg. The important thing is to choose activities you enjoy, she says. That will increase your chances of making it a habit.

And how much exercise should you do? For heart health, the AHA recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, on most days of the week

Yet "if you’re getting less than that, you’re still going to see benefits," says Redberg. "It’s not like if you can’t do 30 minutes, you shouldn’t do anything, because you’re going to see benefits even at 5 or 10 minutes of moving around

Making dietary changes may help you gain weight healthily, such as increasing your intake of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. You can try consuming nuts, dried fruit, meat, and shakes.

To gain weight, you need to eat more calories than your body burns. Aim for 300–500 calories per day above your maintenance level for slow weight gain or 700–1,000 calories if you want to gain weight fast.

You don’t need to count calories for the rest of your life, but it can help to do it for the first few days or weeks to get a feel for how many calories you’re eating. There are many great tools out there to help you.

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