The Demonetization Debate: A Closer Look at India's Currency Return

Author: Swiftn Lift

The goal of India's demonetization was to reduce corruption and encourage digital payments, but its efficacy is called into question by the return of 97.69% of the currency.

Demonetizing high-value currency notes was a risky economic experiment that India started in 2016. The nation’s economy was rocked by the action, which was taken to combat corruption, black money, and counterfeit money. As of right now, an astounding 97.69% of the demonetized Rs 2000 currency notes have found their way back into the financial system, according to information released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). This information prompts a thorough reassessment of the demonetization strategy’s effectiveness.

Demonetization was first heralded as a ground-breaking move toward the abolition of corruption and the advancement of the digital economy. However, as the dust settles, it’s evident that the outcomes are far more nuanced than initially anticipated. The staggering rate of currency return raises pertinent questions about the success and unintended consequences of the policy.

First off, the argument that demonetization successfully combated corruption and black money is called into question by the high rate of currency return. Although the administration had hoped that demonetization would deal a fatal blow to illegal financial activity, the large-scale return of cash into the system raises doubts. Even though millions of people have experienced discomfort and economic activity has been disrupted, the effect on black money seems to be little. Critics contend that people with unreported wealth managed to get around the system by either transferring their cash into other assets prior to the demonetization date or by laundering it through a variety of means.

Second, the disclosure highlights how robust India’s unorganized sector is. Even with the government’s efforts to create a digital economy, cash still accounts for a sizable percentage of commercial transactions in India. The quick restoration of cash into the economy emphasizes how dependent enterprises are on cash transactions, especially in the informal and rural sectors. Given its endurance, demonetization may not have been as successful in formalizing the informal sector and fostering a cashless economy.

Moreover, the RBI’s balance sheet and monetary policy are impacted by the high rate of currency return. The return of cash to the banking system has raised the liabilities of the RBI and may make it more difficult for it to implement monetary policy. Furthermore, the abrupt increase in deposits following demonetization created a brief liquidity glut in the banking sector, which prompted the RBI to take action to absorb the excess liquidity. These events highlight the difficulties and unforeseen effects of significant monetary interventions.

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