Troubleshooting Common WordPress Issues: A Practical Guide

Author: Steven Mautone

Although WordPress is an incredibly user-friendly web platform providing web users with the opportunity to build a strong online presence for their website, it is common to encounter some common WordPress issues. These problems primarily include WordPress configuration and optimization, technical difficulties and server errors, WordPress functionality issues, etc. However, these problems are not at all permanent and can be readily resolved! This blog post will be the ultimate practical guide to resolving various common WordPress issues. So, if you are seeking solutions for common WordPress issues, check out this blog right away!

How do you resolve the common WordPress issues?

Here's a list of the 5 most common problems you might encounter while using WordPress, along with the solutions to cope with them:

1. Problem: White screen of death

This stands out to be one of the major issues that a user might encounter while working with WordPress. In this situation, the screen becomes completely blank or white and displays nothing. This problem often results from the exhaustion of memory or by using improper plugins and themes. However, there's always a way out.

Solution: Since this issue might result from the exhaustion of your WordPress memory, to fix this issue, you can increase the PHP memory limit allocated for your site. In this way, the memory capacity of your site will increase, resulting in fixing this problem. Also, using faulty plugins and themes can lead to this issue. Hence, if you have recently activated a new plugin or theme, try deactivating it to resolve the issue.

2. Problem: Internal server error

Server permissions or a corrupted.htaccess file can lead to internal server errors in WordPress. This is a very common issue that every WordPress user has to encounter, no matter what. Keep reading to learn how to fix these common issues efficiently.

Solution: One of the easiest ways to resolve this issue is by creating a new.htaccess file. By creating a new.htaccess file, you are increasing your WordPress PHP memory limit, therefore your site gets more room to operate. As a result, this issue was resolved within a short time.

3. Problem: Sidebar below content error

This usually generates from the theme you choose. In case you choose an improper theme having faulty layouts for your WordPress site, you can come across this issue. The page sidebar is supposed to be beside the main content. However, in this problem, it appears below the main content.

Solution: To prevent this issue, choose the correct theme for your WordPress site and review its coding. Check whether the HTML structure and the CSS rules are appropriately coded to ensure a proper location for the sidebar. Also, one of the most effective ways to increase the functionality of your website is to choose a worthy theme. So, depending on your website niche, always go for a high-potential theme. For instance, if you are working on a bar-related site, choose the best bar WordPress theme for the best website performance.

4. Problem: Too many redirects issue

Misconfigured tools often make the WordPress site stuck in an endless loop of redirections, leading to this common WordPress issue. An endless loop gets created, which the server is unable to come out of. You can troubleshoot this problem as well.

Solution: To resolve this problem, first you will be required to inspect the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) to determine whether or not they match. If they match, review all the redirection plugins to check if you have created any redirection loops. Turn the loop off in that case. Otherwise, clear your browser and server cache to fix the redirect issue.

5. Problem: Image upload issues

This is a very common issue that you may face while handling WordPress sites. It occurs due to improper file permissions in WordPress. However, this is only a temporary problem, and you can resolve it easily.

Solution: Start by promoting the correct permissions for the upload folder on your server to resolve this common issue. An FTP client will be able to provide the ideal permissions to your server files allowing WordPress to write and read files to and from this folder, maintaining its security.

Final words

If you are facing the above-mentioned issues operating your WordPress site, follow the solutions provider below to resolve your problem as soon as possible! Also, remember to increase the functionality of your website by using the appropriate themes and website plugins since it can keep a lot of technical issues at bay. Choose the best theme according to your website niche, like a bar WordPress theme, food WordPress theme, construction WordPress theme, etc. The same goes for the website plugins, too.