C_ISR_60, SAP For Retail With SAP ERP Elaborations

Author: Atifa Inaam

C_ISR_60, SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP for Retail with SAP ERP 6.0 certification will fill up you need for becoming the professional of SAP in the area of the Retail which has its abundant of benefits and inculcates the knowledge to be the experts who has the advance skills of performing updated tasks.

C_ISR_60, SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP for Retail with SAP ERP 6.0 certification exam topics that are under consideration are given to the candidates with authenticity which includes Article Masters, Retail Master Data, Merchandise Distribution, Purchasing, Retail Pricing, Multi-Channel, Logistics, Purchasing Basics, Requirements, Replenishment Planning, Planning, Retail Basics, Merchandise Master Data, Sites and Business Partners, Organization Structure, Promotion Management, Slow Seller Management, Price Planning Workbench, Price Determination, Requirements Planning and Store Connection, Retail Store.

C_ISR_60, SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP for Retail with SAP ERP 6.0 certification exam main general topics are to Build, implement, configure, model, and troubleshoot solutions and processes in the following which includes Retail Master Data, Planning, Requirements Planning, Price Determination, Slow Seller Mgmt, Price Planning Wrkbch, Promotions, Purchasing, Merchandise Distribution and Store Connection, Retail Store.

The next part of C_ISR_60, SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP for Retail with SAP ERP 6.0 requires applicants to describe, elaborate, and outline solutions and processes in certain tasks that include Organization Structure, Site, Vendor, Customer, Merch Cat, Art Cat, Assort MT, Article Master, Retail Basics, Planning, Requirements, Replenishment Planning, Purchasing Basics, Logistics and Retail Pricing, Multi-Channel.

Managing Resources Using Database Resource Manager includes the Database Resource Manager, Access and creates resource plans, Monitor the Resource Manager, Automating Tasks by Using Retail Scheduler, Retail Scheduler to simplify management tasks, job chains to perform a series of related tasks, Scheduler jobs on remote systems and advanced Scheduler features to prioritize jobs.

Installing, Upgrading and Patching the Retail Database includes the knowledge of Retail Software Installation Basics, an Retail Database software installation, Installing Retail Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server, Configure storage for Retail Automatic Storage Management (ASM), Retail Grid Retail Assistant (DBCA), database creation scripts database options by using DBCA, Using Retail Restart, Retail Restart to manage components, upgrade methods, data migration methods and the upgrade process.

C_ISR_60, SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP for Retail with SAP ERP 6.0 certifications exam requires applicants to know about the following objectives that consists of Retail Solution Map and its Business Scenarios, retail-specific key process in SAP for Retail: Promotion planning for stores and subsequent logistics processing and merchandise distribution from suppliers to stores over the distribution center, Organizational data and master data in SAP for Retail, Planning functions in connection with SAP BI, merchandise and store planning, assortment planning open-to-buy, operative assortment planning and controlling, slow seller management, Allocation tables, requirements planning for a distribution center, Procurement of seasonal goods and basic articles, purchase order manager workbench, open-to-buy check, Inventory management, picking, merchandise distribution and also SAP Retail Store and other functions for store.

C_ISR_60, SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP for Retail with SAP ERP 6.0 certification exam reason to study is to be able to pass the exam and get certified, so get started.

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