Six Node Js Trend for 2024 to Follow for Businesses

Author: Eunorial Consulting

As we are in the middle of 2024, Node.js continues to be a powerhouse in the world of backend development. Its robust architecture and active community make it a go-to technology for developers and businesses alike.

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows teams at Custom Web Development Solutions in Toronto to write JavaScript code outside of a browser. It is an open-source runtime environment for JavaScript that works across multiple platforms. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to build scalable network applications.

Developers use Node.js is ideal for building server-side web applications, especially data-intensive ones, due to its asynchronous, event-driven architecture. If you’re someone looking for trends in Node.js, this blog is for you.

Best Node.JS Trend for 2024Serverless Architecture Development

To build any application, servers are crucial. But sometimes, it slows down the process. So serverless architecture development is another important Node.js development trend. This helps developers

  • Save their time from managing multiple servers.
  • Solely focus on application development without worrying about servers.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are some companies that have already employed serverless architecture development.

There are many benefits to using serverless architecture. Let’s find out:

  • Faster deployment: You don’t need any infrastructure setup to build your application. These are serverless, so you can build your application and launch it without any delay.
  • Scalability: These are highly scalable, so you don’t need to worry about any changes. As they can adapt as per demand.
Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is another Node.js development trend. You don’t need any hardware or infrastructure to store data. Being a leading Node.js development, Eunorial Consulting found NodeJS to be a cheaper solution, as it can reduce the development cost by 58%. With the help of cloud computing, you can use and save data in an easy manner via the internet. Eunorial Consulting also known for being the best SEO company in Toronto

This saves a lot of time and money as you don’t need to purchase hardware or any infrastructure facility to store data.

NodeJS is the widely used language for developing cloud computing applications such as Azure Lambda and Azure Functions.


Have you seen Netflix? How smoother it is to use. Have you ever wondered which stack was used to build it? It’s actually MERN; yes, you heard right!

The MERN stack is used to create Netflix applications. So based on this, we can say that within the upcoming years, the use of these kinds of stacks, which are built on Node.js, will increase in popularity. The reason is their simple-to-use feature.

Both MEAN and MERN are widely popular because of their simple-to-use features, which assist developers in building complex applications with simplicity. Node JS trends 2024 for these stacks are highly futuristic.

MEAN comprises MongoDB, Node.js, AngularJS, and ExpressJS, while MERN refers to MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and ReactJS. Both are flexible and easy to use. Stack developers used these two solutions to make their development process more hassle-free.

MERN is mostly similar to MEAN except for the addition of ReactJS. As it makes the front-end development process smoother.


DevOps is the practice used by custom web development solutions in Toronto, and others. DevOps comprises software development (dev) and operations (ops). It improves coordination among stakeholders, developers, and IT professionals.

The main objective of DevOps is to smooth the process of software development. NodeJS provides continuous server connections, which help software development services create applications such as social apps, chats, or news feeds.

Fast And Flexible App Development Using Node.js

NodeJS is a must-use tool to create faster and more adaptable applications. Developers used NodeJS to manage various multitasks without affecting the application’s functionality.

It means you don’t need to shut off your application; you can update it while it’s running. This is why many application developers prefer using NodeJS for building applications.

Machine Learning And AI With Node.js

When used in conjunction with machine learning and artificial intelligence, Node.js become more powerful. Integrating Node.js with these cutting-edge technologies paves the way for transformative applications.

AI and ML with Node.js open up for significant innovation in virtual assistants and chatbots. As businesses and industries embrace the potential of these technologies, Node.js emerges as a formidable tool to meet their evolving needs.


Node.js continues to evolve, and staying updated with the latest trends is essential for businesses looking to harness its full potential. From adopting microservices and serverless architectures to integrating real-time capabilities and AI, these trends offer numerous opportunities to enhance performance, scalability, and security.

By keeping an eye on these trends, businesses with the help of Custom Web Development Solutions in Toronto can well-position themselves to leverage the advantages of Node.js in 2024 and beyond.