Dentists, Taking Care of You

Author: Nathan Gerrard
A dental surgeon is a health care practitioner specializing in the identification, prevention and treatment of conditions and diseases of the teeth and gums. He does this with a team that helps him or her in providing effective dental health care services. Dentists are required to have a DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) or DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine) degree from an accredited dental school to treat patients. They treat common dental problems such as tooth loss and cavities and also perform cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening. Some choose to specialize in areas like:
  • Tooth Restoration (Prosthodontist)
  • Nerves of the Teeth (Endodontist)
  • Gum Disease (Periodontist)
  • Surgery on the Mouth and Gums (Oral Surgeon)
  • Straightening of the Teeth (Orthodontist)

Studies have shown that diseases relating to the gums and teeth can be indicative of some major health issues. A dentist in Toledo OH will advise that the overall health of your body and that of your mouth is extremely important. He or she will encourage you in the maintenance of your oral health and hygiene through regular check-ups and cleanings.

There are a number of functions and duties that dentists perform for the proper maintenance of dental health. To be on top of your oral care, it is vital that you regularly visit them for your check-ups. Apart from general check-ups, general dentistry includes basic treatments like filling of cavities, minor surgical procedures like extraction of tooth, polishing and cleaning of teeth. These functions can be carried out at a dental office. Any dentist will advise you to practice good dental care by flossing and brushing and getting regular cleanings to prevent the formation of tartars and plaques that can lead to tooth decay or even tooth loss. These good dental habits will help to prevent cavities and other gum and tooth diseases.

Why people choose to become dentists?

Dental surgeons have different reasons for choosing this career path. It may be an extremely challenging job but it could be rewarding as well. Dentists have the ability to change the lives of their patients by restoring their oral health, confidence, and helping them to make better and intelligent choices.

What are the qualities that make for a good dental surgeon?

Dentists should be compassionate and caring towards their patients, as well as, competent and clever. Most people hesitate or are often afraid to visit a dentist’s office because of the horror stories of pain that one may endure. But in reality, today's dental practitioners understand that trust is a big factor in a successful dental treatment. They know that patients need the assurance that their oral health is in good hands.

What are the qualities that you look for in a dentist in Toledo Oh? Share your views with us.