Articulate Storyline 360 Best Practices: Improve Your E-Learning Designs

Author: Vinay Bommena

Articulate Storyline 360 is a powerful tool in the e-learning industry, renowned for its intuitive interface and robust features that cater to both novice and experienced instructional designers. This guide aims to help you elevate your e-learning skills using Storyline 360, offering insights into its key features, best practices, and tips for creating engaging and effective e-learning courses.

Understanding Articulate Storyline 360

Storyline 360 is part of the Articulate 360 suite, a comprehensive set of tools designed for e-learning development. It allows users to create interactive courses with ease, providing features such as:

  • Slide Templates: Pre-designed templates that can be customized to fit your course needs.
  • Interactive Elements: Tools to create quizzes, drag-and-drop activities, and other interactive content.
  • Media Integration: Easy integration of images, videos, and audio to enhance learning experiences.
  • Responsive Design: Courses that automatically adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring compatibility across devices.
  • Accessibility Features: Tools to make content accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities.
Key Features to Master1. Slide Layers and Triggers

Slide layers allow you to create multi-layered slides that provide a more dynamic and interactive experience. Triggers are actions that occur when a learner interacts with an object or navigates through the course. Mastering these features can significantly enhance the interactivity of your courses.


  • Use slide layers to reveal additional information without cluttering the main slide.
  • Combine triggers with conditions to create complex interactions based on learner input.
2. States and Variables

States are different versions of an object that can change based on user interactions. Variables store information that can be used throughout the course, such as tracking scores or learner progress.


  • Utilize states to change the appearance of buttons after they’ve been clicked.
  • Implement variables to create personalized learning paths based on user choices.
3. Quizzing and Assessments

Storyline 360 offers a variety of question types and assessment tools to evaluate learners. Quizzes can be graded or ungraded, and feedback can be customized based on the learner’s responses.


  • Mix question types (multiple choice, true/false, drag-and-drop) to keep assessments engaging.
  • Provide immediate feedback to reinforce learning points and guide learners.
4. Media and Animation

Incorporating multimedia and animations can make your courses more engaging and memorable. Storyline 360 supports various media formats and offers animation effects to bring content to life.


  • Use video to demonstrate complex concepts or provide real-world examples.
  • Apply animations sparingly to maintain focus and avoid overwhelming learners.
5. Publishing and Sharing

Once your course is complete, Storyline 360 makes it easy to publish and share. Courses can be published for the web, mobile devices, or learning management systems (LMS).


  • Test your course on multiple devices to ensure it’s fully responsive.
  • Choose the appropriate publishing settings based on your audience and delivery platform.
Best Practices for Creating E-Learning Courses1. Understand Your Audience

Before diving into course development, take time to understand your learners’ needs, preferences, and challenges. This knowledge will guide your content and design decisions.

2. Plan and Storyboard

Effective e-learning courses start with thorough planning. Create a storyboard to outline the course structure, content flow, and interactions. This helps ensure a cohesive and logical learning experience.

3. Keep It Simple

Simplicity is key to effective learning. Avoid cluttering your slides with too much information or too many interactive elements. Focus on clear, concise content that’s easy to digest.

4. Engage with Interactivity

Interactive elements keep learners engaged and promote active learning. Use questions, simulations, and scenarios to involve learners and encourage critical thinking.

5. Test and Revise

Testing is a crucial step in course development. Conduct usability testing with a sample of your target audience to identify any issues or areas for improvement. Be prepared to make revisions based on feedback.


Articulate Storyline 360 is a versatile and user-friendly tool that can significantly elevate your e-learning skills. By mastering its features and following best practices, you can create engaging, interactive, and effective e-learning courses. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced instructional designer, Storyline 360 offers the tools and flexibility to bring your e-learning visions to life.