The Art, Science, and Practice of Compounding Chemist

Author: Dalini Chetah

Evolution of pharmacy and the compounding of drugs start with the belief in distance healing and therapies using herbs and shrubs. In ancient times it was believed that there is someone up in the skies that is watching us, and is the only one who fulfill our wishes.

The art of healing was practiced with the help of a priest and saints. Priests had the knowledge’s of herbs and shrubs which cures the diseases, which they pick it from the jungles. After taking the leaves of herbs and shrubs they crush them in a bowl to make a compounded solution for the patient. Like Gulping-down fish stuffed with a yellow herbal paste will help in curing the Bronchitis problem. It is a 156 year old treatment which is given by saints, contains a secret formula of herbs.

These herbs contain the elements which work as a remedy for several diseases like we can take another example of Withania somnifera(WS).

WS belonging to the same family as the tomato, it is an herb that possesses oval leaves, and yellow flowers. It bears red-fruit. WS grows in the dry areas of India.

WS is a very powerful herb for healing in Ayurveda, and it has been used since long time. In Sanskrit Withania somnifera is known as Ashwagandha which means "the-smell-of-a-horse". And traditionally it has been prescribed to patients to help them in strengthening their immune-system after the illness or sickness.

This knowledge of using herbs and shrubs is passed down and is inherited by us. And with the time humans conducted researches and formulated drugs in different shapes and size Tablets, Capsules, and injections. Earlier medication was given orally, which were time taking process to curing the patient, but now we have reached to the point of knowledge where we can give medication directly through intravascular, Intramuscular with the help of syringe or catheter.

The industrial revolution has led a major impact pharmaceutical industrial. They are producing the drugs in bulk with instruction to administer it. Patients with knowledge of compounding pharmacy can administer certain intramuscular injections at home legally.

Food-and-Drug-Administration (FDA) is one who frames the rules-and-regulations for pharmaceutical companies to protect the society. The Pharmaceutical compounding companies take a license from FDA to commence the business. For that they give in writing how much will they product and what drug will they produce. FDA mainly works to validate Medical-and-Food-products.

The compounding of drug is an art and science where the compounding chemist of pharmaceutical companies on the basis of their knowledge and experiences they come up with the unique solution to the problem of individual patients in artistic way like formulation of liquid drug for one who cannot engulf tablets or capsules. They mix different drugs in proper ratio to formulate a single and unique medicine to cure and strengthen the immune-system of the patient.