Emotional Sobriety in Addiction Recovery
Challenges are normal in people’s life and facing those challenges may be hard sometimes and it will be even harder if people are unable to handle their emotions properly. The absence of their emotional maturity makes it difficult for them to find real happiness. It also means that these people are more prone to engage in negative habits such as substance abuse.
Emotional sobriety is often defined as the more complex alteration a recovering addict achieves beyond physically recovering from the substance. A person who is emotionally sober does not mean that the person will be free from feeling unpleasant emotions. It just implies that the person is no longer a victim of his/her feelings. Emotional sobriety allows addicts to be more aware of their emotions, whether they are good or bad and let addicts feel them. The people who are emotionally sober no longer to ease their feelings by abusing addictive substances such as drug and alcohol. These people are more prepared to handle any difficulties of life because they know that they are now stronger and they have inner strength that they can depend on. It is a common behavior for addicts to ignore their feelings and escape them by abusing addictive substances and refuse to seek drug recovery services. To completely live a sober life, one must know how to accept their own emotions and be firm in times of difficulties.
People usually become mature emotionally when they are facing life problems. Most addicts started to abuse drug or alcohol at a very young age, so most likely, they were not able to get mature emotionally. This stage of development won’t take place when people are exposing their brain with harmful chemicals. It means that addicts are not mature enough when it comes to their emotional aspect, and that is something important they have to deal with once they entered a drug recovery center and started to be sober.
The significance of getting emotionally sober cannot be inflated. Most addicts may think that getting through the detoxification process is the hardest step in an addiction treatment program in a drug recovery center. That is simply isn’t true, the real challenge is how to stay clean and stay sober. Avoiding temptations and cravings to use drug or alcohol are undeniably difficult and they are part of a lifelong battle with addiction. If someone has been able to reach physical sobriety, but unable to achieve emotional sobriety, that person is more prone to having a relapse again and again. In short, emotional sobriety is the fundamental key towards a completely sober life.
To be emotionally sober is part of the addiction treatment plan in an alcohol and drug recovery center. The therapist at Drug Recovery Services teaches patients the strategies on how to acknowledge their own emotions and how to deal with them. The patients will learn about how to regulate their feelings in more productive and healthy ways.
Drug Recovery Services guide every patient to achieve this type of development, but the patients should also cooperate by being aware of t their feelings. When they feel strong emotions, they should not back away from it, try to look at the situation and think about the right thing to do instead. The therapist will also help addicts to develop strategies that the patient can use when triggers and cravings come along the way.