How spiritual retreats can help you to get more from life

Author: Thomas Wright

Before you proceed any further, ask yourself the following questions:

Do you often hurry to reach office and even risk your life while dodging traffic?

Do you feel your tension rising and blood pressure falling, when your boss asks you to stretch beyond working hours and you have to skip meals for completing PowerPoint presentations?

Do you get irritated while attending parent-teacher meetings at your kid’s school?

Do you freak out when your neighbors indulge in lousy celebrations and loud music?

Do you often loose your composure and your emotions gets better of you?

If the answers to these questions are affirmative in most cases, then it is time you approach your life in a slightly different manner than you have been doing for quite some time. In case you are thinking that such nagging problems are inseparable part of your life and there are no remedies, you are absolutely wrong.

Shower heaps of praise for a concept that can act as an oasis amidst our otherwise dry and tiring chores. Retreats, as the nomenclature goes, is all about crawling back into a shell where you connect with your deepest, innermost self and gain the most important piece of your life’s puzzle – the elusive and much coveted ‘peace of mind’.

To start with, these retreats are basically camps and workshops where you surround yourself with like-minded people and spend your days either in complete silence or with minimal conversations. Usually, one or more instructors or Gurus will help you to relax, both mentally and physically, while guiding you through different flavors of Yoga and meditation. The main aim of all these activities is to rejuvenate you from the core of your psyche, so that you can return to routine activities with an improved personality.

Anyone can participate in such sessions and learn a thing or two about the most discussed yet least implemented topic called ‘balanced lifestyle’. According to oriental philosophy, it is the single most important aspect and also a prerequisite for spiritual as well as materialistic advancements in one’s life. Typically, you will be advised to stick to vegetables and fruits in your diet and high emphasis will be given to ways for controlling your breathing cycle and make it rhythmic. This is because of the stark fact that our body and mind is highly influenced by what we eat and how we breathe. Next comes meditation, which is one of the tested ways of connecting to your inner self and tapping into the seemingly infinite pool of everlasting joy and eternal bliss.

For the uninitiated, such a camp may seem to be less attractive than spending weekends on a beach resort or indulging in some adventure sports that flushes you with adrenaline. It is quite obvious that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution for enjoying the roller coaster ride called life. However, spiritual retreats are one of the best answers for all those who seek something profound and long-lasting, because it allows you to imbibe and incorporate certain practices that can transform your personality for the better.

AUTHOR’S BIO: Thomas is a tech entrepreneur who takes interest in meditation and yoga. He has participated in numerous spiritual retreats in Brisbane and other parts of Queensland, Australia, while he took a vacation and spend his days watching the recently concluded Border-Gavaskar cricket series between India and Australia.