Wedding Catering – Tips On Cutting Costs Without Cutting Service Quality

Author: Silver Service Events

There are various things that a couple has to think about when they are planning for their wedding day. The dress, the decorations and the party after.. The choices and decision will seem never ending! And the strain on your pocket will make you rethink as to why you are getting married in the first place. This is why most couples need as much help as they can get when it comes to planning the ceremony and everything related to it.

Wedding cateringwill generally be the single most money draining item on your list of arrangements for your big day. You cannot hope to make a mistake with it either because if the food in the party isn’t good enough, people will be talking about that one for years! High end wedding catering services are expensive and the cheap ones might not be good enough to match your expectations from the ceremony. So should you resign yourself to the fact that the food on your wedding day will leave you broke?

Not at all!

I am not going to tell you that you should skimp out on this function of your wedding preparations. I am not going to tell you to hire a cheap wedding caterer either. I am even not going to suggest that you tone down the extravagance at all as it is your wedding day and you deserve to have the big fat celebration you always dreamed of. But I am going to give you a few simple suggestions that will help you cut the costs of wedding catering without having to cut the service quality.

First thing first- have you decided on a date for your ceremony yet? If not, I would suggest that you choose an off-peak season wedding. This is the time when even the biggest and most popular wedding caterers are willing to offer better deals for their services. With a little creativity, you can still have a spectacular ceremony and party whatever time of the year. You're more likely to get lower rates and freebies from your caterer and even your florist.

Next, I would suggest you rethink the time and plans for your wedding ceremony. Dinners are usually the most expensive items on the menu of caterers. But if you decide to host a day-time party, you can think of having a breakfast or even an afternoon tea party which will always prove to be a much less costly agenda. The celebrations and decorations and even the food items will remain as stunning as you wanted them to be. But you will end up saving a ton of money by eliminating dinner from your party plans.

Finally, I would suggest that you work with your wedding caterer on the smallest of details for your party plans. This way, you can ensure that the ceremony goes exactly as you had planned and eliminate many unnecessary money draining aspects from the entire deal.

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About The Author

Nick Adams is an expert in the Los Angeles hospitality industry and likes to write many interesting articles and blogs, advising people on how to organize spectacular events in the city. He recommends as the best Los Angeles catering company for all kinds of party needs.