Organised Psychometric Testing Can Help Your Organisation Grow
Psychometric testing is an effective method of analysing the abilities and aptitudes of your employees. Understanding the skills of your employees is a key to successful personnel management, increased employee satisfaction as well as productivity and staff retention.
Specific tests that help you to have a clear understanding of an individual’s abilities or personality have for long been used by educational institutions and employment organisations as part of their selection procedure. Employers can use various kinds of tests, but increasingly psychometric testing training is employed both during recruitment and at various points during a career, perhaps when a business is being reorganised or if an organisation is looking to promote someone internally.
Personality tests
One psychometric test deals with analysing the individual’s personality, beginning with what motivates them, theirvalues and inclinations, as well as their working preferences. Another test deals with a person’s ability to comprehend language, number, and special awareness. In psychology, the personality is one of the features that is considered relatively static and hence can be gauged through a test. There are no right or wrong answers, but it can help a manager to place someone in a team which would bring out the best in them and those around them.
Things to know for line managers
Before setting a psychometric testing questionnaire it’s important to bear in mind that these tests don’t select a candidate. The results have to be properly analysed before any decision is taken. Understanding the work environment and the necessary aptitude of the employee should help in selecting the ideal candidate. A happy and efficient team needs people of a variety of personality types and strengths, no candidate is perfect, but by placing them in the most suitable role and implementing a proper training and development plan, you will be able to get the best from them.
Interpreting the results
Occupational psychologists design these tests in such a way to make psychometric testing be fair to everyone. In an organisation, these tests are used for both recruitment and professional development.Businesses large and small employ specialists in psychometric testing to ensure the testing is fair and the results are accurately interpreted. The specialists will also be able to help advise on any development needs a candidate may have, producing a detailed report which can be used for future reference. Off the shelf and bespoke testing solutions are available, working with a specialist testing company you can help ensure you pick the right candidate for the job.