1Z0-591: About Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Essentials Exam

Author: Dimah Baheera

1Z0-591 Exams: Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Essentials Exam will questions the applicants on the basis of their skis for the business intelligence in duration of two hours, the number of 1Z0-591 Questions to solve are seventy three after which the professionals will be called Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Certified Implementation Specialist.

1Z0-591 PDF: Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Essentials Exam study topics include the knowledge of the following main objectives which should be copied for better reviewing.

The first on is 1Z0-591 Study Kits Oracle BI and EPM System Overview which covers how OBIEE addresses business intelligence challenges and Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition products, major components of the OBIEE architecture, the function of each component, the Installation Architecture for OBIEE, system requirements, save BI requests, Build Dashboards, Create BI Delivers, the differences between Transactional and Analytical Systems, Data Warehousing, Build Dimensions, Facts and Hierarchies, Dimensional Modeling, the three layers of the OBI Repository, Administration Tool to view and modify the repository, System Data Source Name (DSN) for a data source, Physical layer of the Repository, Logical layer of the Repository and Presentation layer of the repository.

The topic of Repository 1Z0-591 E-Books and Deployment covers techniques for testing a repository, Validate and test a repository, Complex Repository Modeling, Derived Metrics and its use, Configure Derived metrics based on existing logical columns, Derived metrics based on physical columns, Create Data Partitioning, Create Segmentation of Data and Create Time Series Data.

Building a Repository with Multiple Sources constitutes of, multiple sources to an existing logical table source for a dimension in the business model, second table source to a dimension in the business model, Create a dimensional hierarchy, Use level-based measures, Create a rank measure, Describe Aggregate tables and the purpose they serve, Aggregate tables in the OBI repository, Explain session variable, Describe repository variable, Describe initialization blocks, a dynamic repository variable, Methodology and Best Practices such as the implementation phases.

1Z0-591 Certification Exams Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Security constitutes of, authentication and authorization, the different levels at which security is enforced, security using Security Manager, Query Governing controls, the purpose of cache in OBIEE, Configure caching and manage cache files, Develop caching strategies and the request and data flow in OBIEE, Use MS Office Plug-In for OBIEE, the required components to enable office integration and configure MS office server and client for OBIEE.

1Z0-591 latest Certification Test Spatial Integration include the knowledge of Spatial Intelligence and Integration, Map based visualization to OBIEE, Write Back capabilities, Configure Write Back with OBIEE, Implement Essbase as a Data Source, BI Server Metadata for Essbase and Essbase Integration.

1Z0-591 Training Tips: Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Essentials Exam practice can be done by the help of, Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Essentials 1Z0-591 Exam Study Guide (PDF) which is a very important resource. This exam is the only option to get certified for the business intelligence basic exam, the applicants need to know how to pass the exam by understanding and learning and taking up all the skills that they need to implement the product in a better way.

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