Access the best energy benchmarking and elevator inspections NYC has to offer

Author: Sam Ellis

Energy benchmarking is such a hot topic in New York nowadays. There are so many companies that are coming up to offer benchmarking portfolio management and a lot of other related services. It is quickly becoming as important as lift inspection. The elevator inspections NYC companies have to carry out have saved a lot of lives. There is nothing as absurd and as tragic as dying in an elevator accident. They are rare but they do actually happen. If this happens in the incredibly tall buildings of New York, that would be such a tragedy.

Importance of the elevator inspections

Elevators might not seem to be so dangerous. They open lazily and close lazily. The move up slowly and stop even slower. What could be so harmful about them? Elevators, just like any other device made by human hands, can fail and in some cases the failures are fatal. This is why carrying out elevator inspections is very important.

Living in New York City, where some buildings go well beyond fifty floors means that the elevators need to be checked frequently. One uncommon but very likely problem of elevators is the ropes breaking. In this case, that little cubicle is going to speed down the elevator shaft and cause severe damage to those inside and the building itself.

Before an elevator is installed it has to be inspected first. After the first inspection, it has to be subjected to frequent maintenance servicing and some further inspections. There are several companies that provide these much needed inspections for lifts.

Energy benchmarking in New York

To some people this is a foreign term but not really to building managers and other related parties. Basically this involves reviewing, on a regular basis, the energy performance of a building every few months to determine whether it is improving or worsening. The review for a certain period is compared to the previous reading and to the readings obtained from other buildings in a portfolio. This process involves close monitoring and recording of the usage of energy in a building.

Benchmarking simply means that there is a point of reference. In this case, the point of reference could be the building’s previous readings or other buildings of similar size that carry out similar functions. This practice makes it possible to measure the said building’s performance not only against other buildings but also the set standards of best practices.

Spending less on energy supply

Energy is one of the most costly items in a building nowadays. This is especially the case during the winters which can be ridiculously cold and you need to keep heating the house. The torrid summers are not an exception either. Heating up the buildings can put quite a dent into the finances. However, benchmarking will encourage people to maintain proper energy usage. There are times that people simply waste energy by living the AC unit running even when there is no one in the house.

There are so many other benefits of Energy benchmarking aside from encouraging people to use less energy and only when it is necessary. And this activity is so much easier than most people assume it would be. In fact you can do it on your own but only if you are dedicated to taking the records. You can set up a benchmarking account with such tremendous ease by getting the Energy Start Portfolio Manager Software. This software is availed to building owners at no cost.

The setting up of the account will however be affected by several factors which include:

? Size of the building? Availability of previous data? Number of people occupying the building

As aforementioned there are companies that have made it their business to help people keep their energy consumption at a comfortable minimum. This will spare you the energy and time you would spend trying to set up the account on your own.