2000 premium transport provides for a relaxed trip
2000 Premium transport is a type of model which is designed like other Zanden products. This product is amazingly graceful but not only it is about grace, it provides for fierce power absolutely similarly. But it does not have the kind of crispiness which some digital gear gives, especially on an electric guitar.
Sound - Extreme ease and openness can be observed in the sound of 2000 premium transport. Each recording is very clear but it is absolutely not insistent, as if it leads us to feel music in a particular way. The type of disc does not matter while you hear the music on the Model 2000 Premium. The disc’s intrinsic sound doesn't change, but its features overshadow the flow of the music. Any 2000 Premium asks very little to the listener, which keeps listener’s in complete disbelief but also gives for a completely relaxed listening.
Power-The Model 2000 Premium's power supply has been upgraded as well. 2000 Premium identify different recordings and expose their unique sonic signatures really well. The model 2000 premium transport receives its raucous power from two multipin umbilicals which is connected to a low-profile outboard supply and exquisitely finished on all sides which also includes the bottom plate of Zanden product specialty. It has gleaming stainless steel which is polished to a mirror finish. The super power supply and the 2000 premium transport's rigorous use of noise damping and exclusive RF blocking material help to make the 2000P electronically or physically calm and clean while in operation.
2000 premium transport features the globe’s most accurate digital clock in consumer audio and completely eliminates jittering phase noises and clock errors. As a matter of fact no D/A converter can perform fully without the help of the Zanden transport.
- Sylvania 7308 or Philips 6922 tube for signal amplification
- Internally wire for I2S data transfer protocol
- Patented analog filter with superior phase features (No oversampling, no up sampling, no digital filter)
- Safety Wave RF noise absorption material
- TDA-1541A (single crown available in North America)
The Model 2000 Premium has standard S/PDIF RCA and BNC, AES/EBU, and I2S digital outs at around the back. It also comprises of a pair of power inlets and word clock output to connect to the separate power supply, measuring 14"W x 15 1/4"D x 2 5/8"H and weighs 10 lbs. The I2S digital output and word-clock output tells a departure for the Model 2000 Premium. Both of them represent attempts at looking at the consequences of jitter.
The accurate characteristic of the word clock which is used in the Model 2000 Premium, 2 x 10-10, is similar to that of the rubidium clocks, but it is made for better sound more accurately. Mr. Yamada stated that he had judged the double oven crystal to be the competent best of all the 2000 premium transports. A 2000 Standard transport especially used in trucks, its word clock would have 2 x 10-8 accuracy power, is included in the agendas but is not available in current times.
For more information about 2000 Premium Transport or our other service visit us today browse through at:- www.audioexotics.hk